disapprovinguk/dɪˈrɪv.ə.tɪv/us/dɪˈrɪv.ə.t̬ɪv/If something is derivative, it is not theresultof newideas, but has beendevelopedfrom orcopiessomethingelse:
缺乏独创性的;模仿的Hispainting/styleis very derivative.他的油画/风格有很重的模仿痕迹。
Copying and copies
- anti-counterfeiting
- anti-piracy
- ape
- biomimicry
- blueprint
- bootleg
- facsimile
- imaging
- imitate
- imitation
- imitative
- imitator
- mail merge
- pirate
- pirated
- plagiarism
- plagiarize
- recopy
- reproduce
- simulation
aformof something made ordevelopedfrom anotherform:
This is a derivativeofseaweedthat iscurrentlyused as afoodadditive.
a worddevelopedfrom another word:
"Detestable" is a derivativeof"detest".detestable 这个词是从 detest 派生而来的。
- Theprogramminglanguagesmost often used are C anditsderivatives or JavaScript.
- Thecourtsruledthat anysodacontainingcoladerivatives could be called acola.
- Retinoids are derivatives ofvitaminA.
- The word "stress" hasnumerousmodernderivatives,including"stressedout", "de-stress" and "stressy".
- Self-explanatory words areregularlyformedcompoundsand derivatives thatrequirenoformaldefinition.
Categories and varieties
- bad/big boyidiom
- categoric
- categorical
- category
- classification
- form
- genre
- matter
- model
- order
- polymorphism
- shade
- sort
- stratification
- style
- subcategory
- substance
- typology
- update
- variety
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistics: morphology & parts of words
derivativenoun[C](FINANCIAL PRODUCT)
finance & economicsspecialized
afinancialproductsuch as anoption(= therighttobuyorsellsomething in thefuture)that has avaluebasedon thevalueof anotherproduct, such assharesorbonds:
Brokerspredictthe derivativesmarketwillcontinueexpandingat afastpace.
- Thebrokeragebusinesshadchanged: frommerelysellingstocksandbonds, it was nowdealingin allsortsof derivatives.
- There arerulesfordealingin derivatives and othercomplexfinancialinstruments.
incalculus(= anareaofadvancedmathematicsin whichcontinuouslychangingvaluesarestudied), ameasureof therateat which afunctionischanging:
The derivativeofthepositionof amovingobjectwithrespecttotimeis the object'svelocity.
Find the derivativeofthefunctionf(x) = (x2- 5) (x3- 2x + 3).
- Inordertocalculatethemean, we take the first derivative of (1) withrespectto t.
- Theright-handsideof (3.2) isreadilydeducedbycalculatingthepartialderivatives of F(x, t) andreplacingthem in (2.3).
- Thematrixofpartialderivatives isobtainedfromdifferentiatingtheequation.
Calculations & calculating
- algebraic
- algebraically
- algo
- algorithmic
- amount
- calculator
- count
- formula
- guesstimate
- interpolate
- matrix
- miscalculation
- multigrid
- multigroup
- multipole
- non-commutative
- number-crunching
- root
- triangulation
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Branches & types of mathematics