释义 |
B1mainlyUK(USusuallyline)a line ofpeople, usuallystandingor incars,waitingfor something, or a lot ofpeoplewhowantsomething: Are youinthe queuefortickets?你是在排队买票吗? There was alongqueue oftrafficstretchingdown theroad.车辆在这条路上排起了长龙。 If youwantticketsyou'll have tojointhe queue.你要买票的话就得排队。 disapprovingIt makes memadwhen someonejumpsthequeue(= goesstraightto thefront).有人插队的话我就会很生气。 There's a queue ofcompanieswantingtoselltheproduct.有许多公司想销售该产品。  Yellow Dog Productions/Stone/GettyImages computing,internet & telecomsspecializedaseriesofpiecesofdata,filesto beprinted,calls, etc. that arewaitingto bedealtwith by acomputer,telephonesystem, etc.: Iturnedtheprinteroff andclearedtheprintqueue. If theprinterqueue isblocked, ausercancleartheirowndocumentsfrom the queue, but not anybody else's. With the newsystem, thecallswillstackup in a queue,ratherthancallersbeingforcedtocallback because theykeepgetting abusysignal. - Form anorderlyqueue.
- There was a queue ofpeoplewaitingpatientlyfor thebustoarrive.
- When thedoorsopenedshebargedher way to thefrontof the queue.
- I waswaitingin thebusqueue when two menpushedin infrontof me.
- She was at theheadof the queue but I was at thetailend.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThings collected in lines or rings - chain
- column
- crocodile
- file
- interrow
- line
- rank
- ring
- rope
- row
- single file
- string
- thread
- tier
- train
- two-tier
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Computer concepts Communications - general words B2[I]towaitin a line ofpeople, often tobuysomething: 排队 Dozens ofpeoplewere queueing uptogettickets.几十个人在排队买票。 We had to queue for threehoursto get in.我们排了3个小时队才得以进入。 [I]towantvery much to do something: 排队(等候)做…,非常想做… [+ to infinitive]There are thousands ofyoungwomen queueing uptobemodels.成千上万的年轻女子对当模特趋之若鹜。 It is one of severalbigGermancompaniesqueueing for alistingon the New York Stock Exchange. [T]computing,internet & telecomsspecializedtoarrangepiecesofdata,filesto beprinted,calls, etc. in aseriesso they can bedealtwith one after the other by acomputer,telephonesystem, etc.: If more than themaximumnumberofprintjobsaresubmittedat the sametime, thesoftwarequeues theexcessjobs. Duringpeakperiodscallscan be queuedratherthancallershearingabusytone. - We queued forhalfanhourwaitingfor afreespacein thecarpark.
- He queued for twohoursand all for nothing - there were noseatsleft.
- Queue here forsignedcopiesof hisbook.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWaiting - await
- backlogged
- breath
- hang
- hang around
- hang on
- hover
- loiter
- lounge
- lurking
- mark timeidiom
- mill
- mill around
- twiddle
- twiddleyourthumbsidiom
- wait
- wait and seeidiom
- wait around
- wait forsomeone/something
- waiting room
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Wanting things Computer concepts Communications - general words (Definition ofqueuefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)B1a line ofpeople, usuallystandingor incars,waitingfor something (人或车排成的)队,行列Are youinthe queuefortickets?你是在排队买票吗? There was alongqueue oftrafficstretchingdown theroad.车辆在这条路上排起了长龙。 If youwantticketsyou'll have tojointhe queue.你要买票的话就得排队。 disapprovingIt makes memadwhen someonejumpsthequeue(= goesstraightto thefront).有人插队的话我就会很生气。 a lot ofpeoplewantingsomething (想获取某物的)许多人There's a queue ofcompanieswantingtoselltheproduct.有许多公司想销售该产品。 - Form anorderlyqueue.
- There was a queue ofpeoplewaitingpatientlyfor thebustoarrive.
- When thedoorsopenedshebargedher way to thefrontof the queue.
- I waswaitingin thebusqueue when two menpushedin infrontof me.
- She was at theheadof the queue but I was at thetailend.
B2towaitin a line ofpeople, often tobuysomething 排队Dozens ofpeoplewere queueing uptogettickets.几十个人在排队买票。 We had to queue for threehoursto get in.我们排了3个小时队才得以进入。 informaltowantvery much to do something 排队(等候)做…,非常想做…[+ to infinitive]There are thousands ofyoungwomen queueing uptobemodels.成千上万的年轻女子对当模特趋之若鹜。 - We queued forhalfanhourwaitingfor afreespacein thecarpark.
- He queued for twohoursand all for nothing - there were noseatsleft.
- Queue here forsignedcopiesof hisbook.
queue| American Dictionaryalineofpeopleor thingswaitingfor something: There was alongqueue forticketsat thetheater. queue
Fansqueuedup tobuytickets. (Definition ofqueuefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)UK(USline)a line ofpeoplewho arewaitingfor something: There was ahugequeue ofpeoplestretchingdown theroadfrom thebank. UK(USline)anumberofpeoplewhowantto do or have something: Rarely does acompanythat issufferingfrom suchmismanagementattracta queue ofeagerbuyers. She would not be apreferentialcreditorand would have tojointhe queueof othercreditors. be at the front/back of the queueIt's public-sectorworkerswho are always at the back of the queue whenpayrisesare beinghandedout. be the first/last in the queueFortunately, they were first in the queue ofcreditors. ITalistofjobsthat acomputerhas to do: COMMUNICATIONSUKanumberofpeoplewho arewaitingtospeakto someone on thephone: Pleasehold, you are in a queue andyourcallwill beansweredassoonaspossible. [I]tojoina line ofpeoplewho arewaitingfor something: Privateinvestorswouldregularlyqueueoutsidetheirbanksinordertorushtheirapplicationformsin before thedeadline. [I]tojoinanumberofpeoplewho arewaitingfor or to do something: Competitors queue up tostealclientsandkeyemployees. [T]ITtoarrangetasksinorder: Theserverwill notallowme to queueprintjobs. (Definition ofqueuefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofqueuequeue This removes the need for having separate queues for events and input conditions during behavioral model implementation.From theCambridge English Corpus The study of such a model provides insights at thequeuelength (and thus the congestion of a junction) under a heavy load.From theCambridge English Corpus But still, and as long as they remain in thequeuefor paid performances, they are professionals.From theCambridge English Corpus The speed of the total process requires a large number of par ts to be queued between stages.From theCambridge English Corpus Such aqueuecan be easily implemented as a circular array of task pointers.From theCambridge English Corpus This study was performed to find out about thequeuediscipline in waiting lists for elective surgery to reveal potential discrepancies in waiting list management.From theCambridge English Corpus Thequeueis used in order to process the states in ascending distance from the starting state.From theCambridge English Corpus Customers inqueue1 have priority over customers inqueue2 in the sense that servers are handling customers belonging toqueue1 first.From theCambridge English Corpus It is our responsibility as the caller toqueueit for visitation, so that the function may assume it safe to return to.From theCambridge English Corpus A note on waiting times in single server queues.From theCambridge English Corpus Also, the presence of infection can very rapidly endanger the lives of those waiting faithfully in thequeuefor their treatment.From theCambridge English Corpus Since this is not a desirable behaviour, we will enhance our simple processor with a waitingqueuefor tasks.From theCambridge English Corpus With food rationing at the time of this survey, the difficulties of older people in food queues warranted a separate section in his report.From theCambridge English Corpus However, it is essential for our purposes to estimate such variances because they critically affect system behavior, queuing delays, and variances in downstream links.From theCambridge English Corpus With increasing task granularity and growing processor counts, the central taskqueueis likely to become a performance bottleneck.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/queue## |