uk/ˌsek.splɔɪˈteɪ.ʃən/us/ˌsek.splɔɪˈteɪ.ʃən/the use ofsex, orsexualimagesof someone, inorderto makemoneyorgainsome otheradvantage:
(使用性来赚钱或获益的)性剥削Onissuessuch aspornography, we haveworkedwith thechurchesincampaigningagainst sexploitation.在色情制品等问题上,我们与教会合作,开展反对性剥削的运动。
There wasevidenceof thenegativeimpactthat the sexploitation ofyoungstershad had onchildren.有证据表明,对青少年的性剥削会对他们产生负面影响。
thepracticeofillegallypersuadingpeopleto dosexualacts, forexamplewhileonline,videoingthem, and thenthreateningto showpeoplethevideosif they do not give youmoneyor do something for you:
(使用在互联网上曝光裸照等做法来逼迫他人就范的)性勒索Sexploitation hasevolvedas a new way toblackmailpeopleonline.性勒索已经发展成一种网络勒索的新方式。
astyleoffilm, usuallycheaplymade and notconsideredto have a highartisticvalue, that waspopularin the 1970s andinvolveda lot ofsex:
(流行于1970年代、有大量性场景的)色情片,性剥削电影Thedirectorseemedtocrossthenarrowdividinglinebetweeneroticaand sexploitation.这名导演似乎越过了情色片和色情片之间的狭窄分界线。
I wascontactedby aproducerwhowantedme toauditiontodirectthis sexploitationfilm.有制片人跟我联系,希望我去面试这部色情片的导演。
- Humantraffickingis all about sexploitation.
- Shebelievesourworldwill never befreeof sexploitation.
- Severinsen co-scored the 1961 sexploitationfilmNude on the Moon.
- Students weretargetedin anonlinesexploitationscam.
Treating people or animals badly
- abuser
- anti-harassment
- at the hands ofsomeoneidiom
- batten
- batten onsomeone
- ill-treat
- ill-treatment
- ill-used
- impose
- inflict
- pick onsomeone
- prey
- prey onsomething
- putsomeonethroughsomething
- put upon
- tyrannize
- tyranny
- uncared for
- use
- victimization
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