(alsoBelorussian)uk/ˌbel.əˈrʌʃ.ən/us/ˌbel.əˈrʌʃ.ən/belongingto orrelatingto Belarus,itspeople, oritslanguage:
白俄罗斯的;白俄罗斯人的The Belarusianpresidentmade aspeech.
She isoriginallyfrom the Belarusiancapitalcity, Minsk.
What is the Belarusian word for "hello"?
- Thepoetwas aleaderin a 20th-centuryrevivalof Belarusianlanguageandculture.
- He isprobablythegreatestBelarusianfootballerof alltime.
- Some came to thecitybecausetheirspouseswere Belarusian.
- Prior to 1917 most Belorussianpeasantfarmshadbelongedtoindividualfamilies.
Countries, nationalities & continents: nationalities
- Afghan
- Albanian
- Algerian
- an
- Andorran
- Greenlander
- Greenlandic
- Grenadian
- Guatemalan
- Guinea-Bissauan
- non-Russian
- North American
- North Korean
- Northern Irish
- Vincentian
- Welshman
- Welshwoman
- Yemeni
- Yugoslav
apersonfrom Belarus:
白俄罗斯人The Belarusian took thesilvermedal.
alanguagespokenin Belarus:
白俄罗斯语He hastranslatedtheworksof Kafka and Goethe fromGermaninto Belarusian.
- WemetRussians, Belarusians, Ukrainians and Poles.
- Poles and Belarusiansaddtheleavesof thelocalbisongrasstotheirvodka.
- Abstracttheorizingin Moscowseemedunrelatedto thepracticalneedsof theordinaryBelorussian back athome.
- SlaviclanguagesincludeBelarusian,Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak,Polish, and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian.
- Did theteacherspeakRussianor Belorussian?
Countries, nationalities & continents: nationalities
- Afghan
- Albanian
- Algerian
- an
- Andorran
- Greenlander
- Greenlandic
- Grenadian
- Guatemalan
- Guinea-Bissauan
- non-Russian
- North American
- North Korean
- Northern Irish
- Vincentian
- Welshman
- Welshwoman
- Yemeni
- Yugoslav
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Language names