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naturaladjective(NOT ARTIFICIAL)B1asfoundinnatureand notinvolvinganything made or done bypeople: 天然的,非人为的;非人造的 a naturalsubstance自然物质 People say that breast-feeding isbetterthanbottle-feedingbecause it's more natural.人们认为母乳喂养比用奶瓶喂养好,因为母乳更为天然。 Hediedfrom naturalcauses(= because he wasoldorill).他是自然死亡。 Floods andearthquakesare naturaldisasters.洪水和地震是自然灾害。 C1A naturalabilityorcharacteristicis one that you werebornwith: (能力)天生的;(特性)固有的 naturalbeauty自然美 a naturaltalentforsports运动天赋 She's a naturalblonde(= herrealhaircolourisblonde).她天生一头金发。 (of apersonortheirbehaviour)seemingnormalandrelaxed: "Hi, how are you?" heasked,tryingtosoundnatural. Hereadsthenewsin a natural,conversationalway. Naturalfoodordrinkispureand has nochemicalsubstancesaddedto it and isthereforethoughtto behealthy: (食物或饮品)天然的,纯的,无添加剂的naturalmineralwater天然矿泉水 naturalingredients天然成分 someone'snatural mother/father/parent aparentwhocausedsomeone to beborn,althoughpossiblynottheirlegalparentor theparentwhoraisedthem 某人的亲生母亲/父亲/父母- A gooddiethelpsbuildthe body's naturaldefences.
- If wecontinuetodepletethe earth's naturalresources, we willcauseseriousdamageto theenvironment.
- It was her naturalelegancethatstruckme.
- Thegardenhas beendesignedtoharmonizewith the naturallandscape.
- She haddiedof naturalcauses.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNatural and artificial - anti-natural
- artificial
- artificiality
- artificially
- biodynamic
- freshness
- God-given
- imitation
- inauthentic
- make no claim to besomethingidiom
- mock
- rawness
- refined
- simulated
- synthetic
- synthetically
- unnaturally
- unprocessed
- untamed
- untouched
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Innate and congenital Exciting and interesting Habitual and customary Various qualities of food Parents & children naturaladjective(EXPECTED)B2normalorexpected: 正常的;平常的;当然的 Ofcourseyou'reupset- it's only natural.当然你会难受——这一点儿也不奇怪。 It's naturalthatyou shouldfeelanxiouswhen you firstleavehome.你第一次离开家感觉焦虑是很正常的。 It'squitenaturaltoexperiencea fewdoubtsjust before you getmarried.结婚前你会产生些许疑虑,这是很自然的。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesnormal - normalTemperatures are well above normal today.
- usualI went to bed at my usual time.
- ordinaryThe magazine has stories about ordinary people rather than celebrities.
- standardIt's standard practice for surgeons to wear gloves.
- naturalIt's completely natural to feel anxious on your first day at a new school.
- typicalHe was a typical teenager - arguing with his parents and staying out late.
See more results » - Loss ofmemoryis a naturalconcomitantofoldage.
- Unhappiness waswoveninto the naturalfabricof people'slives.
- It's only natural that you shouldworryaboutyourchildren.
- She'd alwaysworkedwitholdpeoplesobecominganursewas a naturalprogression.
- Ithinkacertainamountofworryaboutworkis very natural, but you've got tokeepit inproportion.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHabitual and customary - accustomed
- all in a day's workidiom
- as a (general) ruleidiom
- as a matter of courseidiom
- as per usual/normalidiom
- knee-jerk
- mainstreaming
- make it a ruleidiom
- mechanical
- more often than notidiom
- naturally
- nine
- prevail
- pro forma
- regulation
- rule
- surprise
- surprise, surpriseidiom
- trad
- usu.
See more results » naturaladjective(MUSIC)[after noun](of amusicalnote) notsharporflat: (音符)还原的,本位音的 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNotes of the musical scale - A, a
- B, b
- C, c
- D, d
- doh
- flat
- half step
- high doh
- la
- lah
- major
- mi
- middle C
- register
- scale
- semitone
- soh
- sol
- sol-fa
- te
See more results » someone who wasbornwith therightcharacteristicsorabilitiesfor doing aparticularthing: 天生具有…才能的人,有…天赋的人She won't have anytroubleslearningtorideahorse- you canseeshe's a natural.她学习骑马不会有任何困难——可以看得出她天生就是个骑手。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesExperts and specialists - academician
- artist
- authority
- boffin
- child prodigy
- doyen
- doyenne
- historiographer
- hotshot
- knowsomethinginside outidiom
- lapidary
- literati
- pyrotechnician
- Renaissance man
- savant
- semiotician
- skilled
- whizz
- wonder
- wunderkind
See more results » in a way that isnormalandrelaxed: You'resupposedtoactnatural when we'rerecordingthevideo. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesExciting and interesting - absorbing
- action-packed
- adventurous
- alley
- arresting
- bracing
- coruscating
- excitingly
- exhilarating
- fancifully
- fascinating
- fast lane
- rip-roaring
- riveting
- romantic
- romantically
- rousing
- Roy of the Rovers stuff
- sensationally
- spectacularly
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: (Definition ofnaturalfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)naturaladjective(NOT ARTIFICIAL)B1asfoundinnatureand notinvolvinganything made or done bypeople 天然的,非人为的;非人造的a naturalsubstance自然物质 People say that breast-feeding isbetterthanbottle-feedingbecause it's more natural.人们认为母乳喂养比用奶瓶喂养好,因为母乳更为天然。 Hediedfrom naturalcauses(= because he wasoldorill).他是自然死亡。 Floods andearthquakesare naturaldisasters.洪水和地震是自然灾害。 C1A naturalabilityorcharacteristicis one that you werebornwith. (能力)天生的;(特性)固有的naturalbeauty自然美 a naturaltalentforsports运动天赋 She's a naturalblonde(= herrealhaircolourisblonde).她天生一头金发。 Naturalfoodordrinkispureand has nochemicalsubstancesaddedto it and isthereforethoughtto behealthy. (食物或饮品)天然的,纯的,无添加剂的naturalmineralwater天然矿泉水 naturalingredients天然成分 sb'snatural mother/father/parent aparentwhocausedsomeone to beborn,althoughpossiblynottheirlegalparentor theparentwhoraisedthem 某人的亲生母亲/父亲/父母 - A gooddiethelpsbuildthe body's naturaldefences.
- If wecontinuetodepletethe earth's naturalresources, we willcauseseriousdamageto theenvironment.
- It was her natural elegance thatstruckme.
- Thegardenhas beendesignedtoharmonizewith the naturallandscape.
- She haddiedof naturalcauses.
naturaladjective(EXPECTED)正常的;平常的;当然的Ofcourseyou'reupset- it's only natural.当然你会难受——这一点儿也不奇怪。 It's naturalthatyou shouldfeelanxiouswhen you firstleavehome.你第一次离开家感觉焦虑是很正常的。 It'squitenaturaltoexperiencea fewdoubtsjust before you getmarried.结婚前你会产生些许疑虑,这是很自然的。 - Loss ofmemoryis a naturalconcomitantofoldage.
- Unhappiness waswoveninto the naturalfabricof people'slives.
- It's only natural that you shouldworryaboutyourchildren.
- She'd alwaysworkedwitholdpeoplesobecominganursewas a naturalprogression.
- Ithinkacertainamountofworryaboutworkis very natural, but you've got tokeepit inproportion.
naturaladjective(MUSIC)[after noun](of amusicalnote) notsharporflat (音符)还原的,本位音的E naturalE 本位音 someone who wasbornwith therightcharacteristicsorabilitiesfor doing aparticularthing 天生具有…才能的人,有…天赋的人She won't have anytroubleslearningtorideahorse- you canseeshe's a natural.她学习骑马不会有任何困难——可以看得出她天生就是个骑手。 natural| American Dictionarynaturaladjective(NOT ARTIFICIAL)fromnature; notartificialorinvolvinganything made orcausedbypeople: Cotton is a naturalfiber. Hediedof naturalcauses(= because he wasoldorill). Floods andearthquakesare naturaldisasters. Iffoodordrinkisdescribedas natural, itmeansit has noartificialchemicalsubstancesaddedto it. naturaladjective(BORN WITH)having anabilityorcharacteristicbecause you werebornwith it: a naturalathlete a naturalblonde naturaladjective(EXPECTED)a naturalreaction [+ to infinitive]It’s only natural to beupsetwhenyourdogdies. naturaladjective(MUSIC)[not gradable]musicus/ˈnætʃ·ər·əl/(of writtenmusic) having nosharporflat: a B natural a naturalscale naturalnoun[C](MUSIC)musicus/ˈnætʃ·ər·əl/amarkin writtenmusicthatshowsthat anoteshouldreturntoitsoriginalpitch naturalnoun[C](PERSON BORN WITH)infmlapersonbornwith thecharacteristicsorabilitiesneededfor doing something: She won’t have anytroublelearningtorideahorse– she’s a natural. (Definition ofnaturalfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)natural| Business Englishasfoundinnature, and notinvolvinganything made or done bypeople: natural flavourings/foods/ingredientsOver 50% of allcosmeticsproductsin theChinesemarketareadvertisedas consisting of naturalingredients. They areimplementingamajoreconomicrecoveryprogrammeafter the country's worst-evernaturaldisaster. Havingseenthevalueoftheirsharescollapse, it was only natural forshareholderstocomplain. For thecustomer,the naturalchoiceis arepaymentmortgage, not anendowment. used todescribeanabilityor acharacteristicthat someone wasbornwith: (Definition ofnaturalfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofnaturalnatural Such a function represents a partial function on naturals, where the proof of even (n) may be seen as a precondition.From theCambridge English Corpus There is no real difference between the usual first-order objects of the mathematical discourse - such as naturals, sets and so forth - and the proof objects.From theCambridge English Corpus The naturals are simple to enumerate, and there clearly exists a bijection between the naturals and the rationals; but this bijection is not simple to compute.From theCambridge English Corpus The third type, a logarithm (base 2, base 10, ornatural) of the unsigned fold change, is undoubtedly the most tractable.From theCambridge English Corpus Innaturalpopulations, lifespan and reproductive period are thought to co-evolve.From theCambridge English Corpus The distinctions which associate the masculine with the intellectual and the feminine with the non-intellectual are acknowledged to be social rather thannatural.From theCambridge English Corpus The use of peptides that differ from those resulting fromnaturalintracellular processing has previously given rise to similar problems.From theCambridge English Corpus Instead, they developnaturalimmunity against the different serotypes, though this immunity gradually declines with old age.From theCambridge English Corpus There is some evidence that early exposure to highnaturallevels of cat allergens can prevent such an inappropriate immune response.From theCambridge English Corpus Scientists have worked on gaining clearer and better-grounded beliefs about thenaturalworld.From theCambridge English Corpus Resentment was thus thenaturalcorollary of enforcement, especially of strictures so otherworldly.From theCambridge English Corpus Money and bureaucracy had replaced the workings of nature andnaturalfeelings.From theCambridge English Corpus Their argument is thatnaturalselection is a mechanism, and therefore a cause, of evolution.From theCambridge English Corpus Mynaturalreaction to that is not good.From theCambridge English Corpus What is the function of this "natural," ethical order?From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/natural## |