to make asubstanceneutral(= not anacidor analkali):
Acidity insoilcan be neutralized byspreadinglimeon it.在土壤上面撒石灰可以中和其酸性。
Abakingsodabathneutralizesacidicbodilyfluidsand makesyourskinfeelsilkysmooth.
Becoming and making less strong
- abate
- abatement
- adulterate
- adulterated
- adulteration
- decline
- emasculation
- enervate
- enervating
- enfeeble
- enfeebled
- fade
- melt
- relieve
- sink
- tottering
- turn to jellyidiom
- wane
- waste away
- watersomethingdown
neutralizeverb[T](STOP EFFECT)
tostopsomething or someone from having aneffect:
Antibodies neutralizevirusesand otherinfectiousagents.
Theaerialbombardments have neutralized thethreatofartilleryattacksonalliedgroundforces.空袭压制了炮火,减轻了盟军地面部队受到的威胁。
Judofocuseson neutralizingopponentsbythrowingandpinningthem to thefloor.
Becoming and making less strong
- abate
- abatement
- adulterate
- adulterated
- adulteration
- decline
- emasculation
- enervate
- enervating
- enfeeble
- enfeebled
- fade
- melt
- relieve
- sink
- tottering
- turn to jellyidiom
- wane
- waste away
- watersomethingdown
(especiallyof amilitaryforceorgovernment) tokillsomeone:
Pentagongeneralswill say U. S.soldiersneutralizedoppositionforces.
There was noquestionthestatesecuritycouncilhadwanteditsopponentskilledwhen it used words like "eliminate" and "neutralize".
- -cide
- abattoir
- anti-suicide
- assisted suicide
- claimsomeone'slifeidiom
- commit
- culpable homicide
- deadly
- destroy
- exterminate
- liquidate
- misery
- mortal
- neutralization
- non-fatal
- overlie
- poison
- polish
- suicide pact
- wring
neutralizeverb[T](STOP RACE)
incyclingormotorracing, tostoparacefromcontinuingfor atime:
The fourthstageof theracewas neutralized betweenmile46 andmile67.
Refereeing & judging in sport
- adjudicate
- adjudication
- adjudicator
- assistant referee
- booking
- cooler
- fourth official
- judge
- jury
- ref
- referee
- regulation time
- score
- scorekeeper
- scorer
- sending off
- sin-binning
- umpire
- yellow card