toreduceor bereducedinsizeorimportance:
减少,减小,降低I don'twantto diminish herachievements, but she did have a lot ofhelp.我不想贬低她的成就,但她确实得到了很多帮助。
Thesememorieswill not be diminished bytime.这些记忆不会随着时间的流逝而淡漠。
What he did hasseriouslydiminished him in many people'seyes.他的所作所为严重损害了他在许多人眼里的形象。
We'veseenourhousediminishgreatly/sharply/substantiallyinvalueover the last sixmonths.在最近6个月里,我们这座房屋的价格暴跌。
- Later on inlifethesexdrivetendsto diminish.
- Risingunemploymenthas diminished thebargainingpowerofpeoplewithjobs.
- Theinaccuracyof themissilesgreatlydiminishestheireffectiveness.
- Herpopularityas asingerhas diminished since theglorydaysof the 1980s.
- Freshsnowmeantthatourchancesofreachingthesummitslowlydiminished.
Becoming and making smaller or less
- abridgment
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuating
- attenuation
- boil
- damp
- falling-off
- foreshorten
- foreshortened
- go through the flooridiom
- haircut
- lessen
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- rundown
- sag
- salami slicing
- scalesomethingdown
- shave
- telescope