释义 |
abookin which yourecordyourthoughtsorfeelingsor what hashappenedeachday: 日记,日志While inhiding, Anne Frankkepta diary.安妮‧弗兰克在躲匿期间坚持写日记。  Suchart Doyemah/EyeEm/GettyImages A2UK(USdatebook)abookwith aseparatespaceorpagefor eachday, in which you write downyourfuturearrangements,meetings, etc.: 日程簿 Don'tforgetto write/enterthedateof themeetinginyourdiary.别忘了在日程簿上标出开会的日期。  Mark Weiss/The Image Bank/GettyImages - Thefollowingis anextractfrom her diary.
- Hold on, I'llcheckin my diary.
- I'vekepta diary for twelveyearsnow.
- I've put thedateof thepartydown in my diary.
- As hisillnessprogressed, he made fewerentriesin his diary.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSchedules & agendas - agenda
- business plan
- calendar
- datebook
- Hegira
- Hejira
- itinerary
- journal
- make timeidiom
- pack
- programme
- schedule
- set the agendaidiom
- slot
- slotsomeone/somethingin
- spread
- spreadsomethingoversomething
- squeeze
- squeezesomeone/somethingin
See more results » (Definition ofdiaryfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)diary| American Dictionarya person’sprivaterecordofevents,thoughts,feelings, etc., that are written down everyday, or abookwhere such things arerecorded: That's myprivatediary - you shouldn't bereadingit. Wekepta food-and-exercise diary andmeasuredtheamountoffoodweate. (Definition ofdiaryfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)WORKPLACEUK(UScalendar)abookorpieceofsoftwarewith aspaceorpagefor eachday, in which yourecordfuturearrangements,meetings, etc.: in sb's diaryIs there anything inyourdiary fortomorrowafternoon? Pleasechecktheappointmentsdiary beforeschedulingameeting. She has a veryfulldiarythisweekbut she couldseeyou nextweek. OurCEOisseekingapart-timediarysecretarytohelphimmanagehisappointmentsefficiently. arecordof what hashappenedduring aperiodoftime: It mayhelptokeepa diaryofproblemsyouencounter. HisdiaryentriesforJulydescribethefinalstagesof theproject. (Definition ofdiaryfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofdiarydiary It was intended that thediaryutterances would be marked for selfrepetition.From theCambridge English Corpus If one reads more closely and widely in the missionaries' diaries, reports, letters, notes, and books, one discovers a more complex and provocative reality.From theCambridge English Corpus Much of this work has not arisen from the more formalized attempts at reflexivity such as the video recording and the electronic site diaries.From theCambridge English Corpus However, teachers' diaries and interviews indicated that disruptive children, singled out as problematic by school staff, often did well with the method.From theCambridge English Corpus I would say just carry on writing, diaries, letters, short stories, films - whatever.From theCambridge English Corpus Of thediaryutterances, one had been said before and 9 were novel.From theCambridge English Corpus The total number of child utterances on tape and in thediaryon the last day was 537.From theCambridge English Corpus The examiner asked the caregiver about this and both agreed to add this item to the maternaldiary.From theCambridge English Corpus We used a high-density database consisting of 5 hours of recordings per week together with a maternaldiaryfor the previous 6 weeks.From theCambridge English Corpus In contrast, thediaryis near-silent about certain personal matters.From theCambridge English Corpus In the case of online diaries, publicizing the intimate meets two purposes, a social one and another, individual one.From theCambridge English Corpus No evidence of the work's reception exists : in neither his extant letters nor hisdiarydoes he mention the book.From theCambridge English Corpus In some cases, however, authorship is clear from evidence in diaries, letters, or annotations made on the newspaper.From theCambridge English Corpus Only a scattered array of letters and diaries written by these women exist.From theCambridge English Corpus A further problem here might be that no quantitative analyses were performed, the data mainly consisting of type utterances from thediary.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/diary## |