noun[CorU,usually singular]
formaluk/daɪˈæs.pər.ə/us/daɪˈæs.pɚ.ə/agroupofpeoplewhospreadfrom oneoriginalcountryto othercountries, or theactofspreadingin this way:
Nearly two-fifths of Spain'sforeignresidentscome from theLatindiaspora -mostlyfrom Ecuador and Colombia.
The Hmong diasporaevolvedagainst thebackdropofterrorthatunfoldedintheirhomeland.
France'spopulationofArabicoriginis the continent'slargest,drawingonFrancophonediasporas fromNorthAfricaand Lebanon.
- He ispartof anIndiandiaspora that isrisingtoleadbanksinEuropeand the U. S.
- People in a diaspora are often morereligiousthan intheirhomeland.
- We now have aWesterndiaspora and that diaspora isbringingIranians andIndianstogether.
Changing homes & moving
- anti-immigrant
- anti-immigration
- asylum seeker
- deinstitutionalize
- downsize
- immigrant
- immigration
- migrant
- migrate
- migration
- move on
- mover
- removal
- removalist
- remover
- resettle
- resettlement
- settle
- shift
- stake