atoolused for makingholesinsoilwhenplantingseedsorsmallplants:
掘穴器,挖穴小手铲;打洞器Insertyourcuttings, with a dibber, intopotscontainingalight,grittycompost.用一把小手铲,将枝条插入装有肥力较轻的砂质堆肥的花盆中。

Dorling Kindersley%3A John Spence/GettyImages
anelectronictoolused inorienteering(= acompetitiveactivityin which youfindyourway using amapandcompass)forrecordingthetimeswhen youreachparticularpoints:
(在定向越野运动中使用的)电子记录器(以记录到达特定点的时间)Tostartyourorienteeringcourse, you need tofindthestarttriangleandpunchinyourdibber to getyourstarttime.定向越野开始的时候,你需要找到用三角形表示的起点,并在电子记录器上按键记录出发时间。
- This is apracticaltraditionalstainlesssteelgardenset, whichcontainsawoodenhandledtrowel,forkand dibber.
- Pick eachseedlingupgentlyby oneseedleafanddropit into theholemadereadyfor it byyourdibber.
- Hold aseedlingbyitsleaves, not thestemwhich iseasilycrushed, andeaseit from thesoilwith thethinend of a dibber.
- You are given amap,compassand a dibber, which youpluginto eachcontrolpointtoproveyou'vefoundit.
- We all taketurnsin putting the dibber in, and by the fifthcontrolpointfeelquiteconfident.
Gardening tools
- dibble
- fork
- grubber
- hedge trimmers
- hoe
- hose
- hover mower
- lawnmower
- leaf blower
- pitchfork
- propagator
- pruning shears
- scythe
- secateurs
- sickle
- spade
- sprayer
- Strimmer
- watering can
- Weed Whacker
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