(数字)9Thechildrengo tobedat nine (o'clock).小孩们九点钟上床睡觉。
a nine-monthprisonsentence9个月的刑期
nine to five
describingorrelatingtoworkthatbeginsat nine o'clock in themorningandfinishesat five, thehoursworkedin manyofficesfromMondaytoFriday:
(早九点到晚五点的)正常办公时间的;朝九晚五的a nine-to-fiveroutine朝九晚五工作制
She'stiredofworkingnine to five.她厌倦了朝九晚五的工作。
- I'vebookedatableat therestaurantfor nine o'clock.
- Mycurrentgolfhandicapis nine.
- "I didn'texpectto be out sosoon", hejoked, afterspendingninemonthsinhospital.
- Cats aresupposedto have ninelives.
- Chapterninerelatesto theeffectsofinflationonconsumers.
- Thebirthdaygirlwaswearingabadgewith a nine on it.
Numbers: cardinal, including nought & zero
- A, a
- B, b
- bi
- cipher
- deca-
- fifteen
- five
- forty
- googol
- milliard
- multi-trillion
- nineteen
- ninety
- seventy
- six
- sixty
- ten
- thirty
- twelve
- unit
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Days & times of day
Working hours
be a nine days' wonder
done/dressed (up) to the nines
the whole nine yards
nine times out of ten