uk/kwɒl/us/kwɑːl/pluralquollsororquollasmallmeat-eatingmarsupial(= atypeofmammalthatcarriesitsyoungin apouch)withwhitespots,foundinAustraliaand NewGuinea:
袋鼬Fourspeciesof quolloccurinAustralia: thenorthern, spotted-tailed,easternandwesternquolls.澳大利亚有四种袋鼬: 北部、斑尾、东部和西部袋鼬。

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- There areevenplansto reintroduceindigenouswildlifeto thevalley,notablyrockwallabies, thedistinctivelyspottedtigerquoll, and the potoroo.
- Canetoadsarehighlytoxicwheneatenand havedriventhenorthernquoll, a cat-sizedmarsupial, toextinctionin manypartsofnorthernAustralia.
- There is, at thisstage, noevidencethat therecentlyreporteddeclineineasternquolls has anything to do withfoxes.
- There arewallabiesand quoll on theislandas well asferalfoxes,possumsand agreatdealofbirdlife.
Wild mammals
- aardvark
- anteater
- armadillo
- Bactrian
- bandicoot
- grizzly bear
- hedgehog
- hippopotamus
- javelina
- joey
- peccary
- pine marten
- platypus
- polar bear
- polecat
- tapir
- Tasmanian devil
- Tasmanian wolf
- thylacine
- tusker