uk/ˈdɒɡ.ɪd.nəs/us/ˈdɑː.ɡɪd.nəs/greatdeterminationto do something,evenif it is verydifficult:
The team's doggedness wasrewardedwith alast-minutegoal.
Hisphilosophywasstubbornness,refusalto bebeatenandsheerdoggedness.
the ability to keep doing something difficult
- perseveranceA years-long political scandal broke last week thanks to the dogged perseverance of local reporters.
- determinationAfter years of hard work and determination, she was finally promoted to CEO.
- persistenceHe was known for his persistence in the pursuit of justice.
- stick-to-it-ivenessUSThis type of work requires a long-term commitment and a lot of stick-to-it-iveness.
- single-mindednessHer single-mindedness helped her win six US Open singles titles.
- doggednessTheir sheer doggedness and ambition helped them ignore criticism and carry on.
- Determination, doggedness and hardworkare thecharacteristicsthat arehighlyvalued.
- Secretly, you mustsurelyadmirethe doggedness oftheirleader.
- Thepresidentpraisedher doggedness inensuringthat herchildrentooktheireducationseriously.
Strength of will and determination
- aggressiveness
- bitter
- bloody-mindedness
- character
- character-building
- dead
- determination
- double
- fight
- intransigence
- inveteracy
- mettle
- militancy
- obstinacy
- resolution
- resolve
- single-mindedness
- stamina
- staying power
- stick-to-it-iveness