uk/ˌriːˈbaʊn.dər/us/ˌriːˈbaʊn.dɚ/reboundernoun[C](SMALL TRAMPOLINE)
(USalsomini trampoline,fitness trampoline)
apieceofexerciseequipmentlike asmalltrampoline(= aframewithstrongmaterialstretchedacrossit, forjumpingup and down on):
小型健身跳床You canlosefatandtonemusclesdoingtwistsandjumpingjackson a rebounder.你可以通过在跳床上转体、跳跃来减肥和锻炼肌肉。

Aneduard/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Rebounders are muchsmallerthanregulartrampolines, and they are notdesignedforstunts.
- Try tostaycentralon the rebounder andkeepyourabdominalmusclespulledin.
- Intervaltrainingon a rebounder does notjarthebodyas much astrainingon hardground.
- We wouldrecommendyou gobarefooton the rebounder orwearnon-slipsocks.
Exercising & training
- aerial yoga
- aerobic
- Anti-Gravity yoga
- aquacise
- aquarobics
- bench
- interval training
- jog
- jog trot
- jumping jack
- Kegel exercise
- kettlebell
- resistance training
- Spinning
- star jump
- sweat
- Swiss ball
- tai chi
- taper
- triceps dip
reboundernoun[C](BASKETBALL PLAYER)
abasketballplayerwho often gets theballaftershots(=attemptstoscorepoints)have beenmissed:
抢夺篮板球的能手He wasfierceondefenceand anexcellentrebounder.他在后防线上很厉害,抢夺篮板也很出色。
He was the Hoosiers'leadingscorerand rebounder eachseason.他是球队每个赛季的得分王和篮板王。
- Fordstands6' 3"talland is aferociousrebounder.
- Malonebecamethegreatestoffensiverebounder of alltimeduring a 21-yearcareer.
- Heplayedbasketball,becominganoutstandingrebounder on thecourtdespitebeing less than 6feettall.
Basketball, netball & volleyball
- airball
- baller
- basketball
- beach volleyball
- catch and faceidiom
- charge
- clear out
- coast
- double-team
- dunk
- free throw
- korfball
- outrebound
- overhead
- point guard
- rebound
- rebounding
- spike
- steal
- volleyball