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docknoun(FOR SHIPS)C1[C]anareaofwaterin aportthat can beclosedoff and that is used for puttinggoodsonto and taking them offshipsorrepairingships 泊位;船坞  omersukrugoksu/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages docks[plural] agroupof theseareasofwaterin aportand thebuildingsaround them: 码头区(包括船坞及周围建筑)Thestrikehasledto thecancellationof someferryservicesandlefthundreds ofpassengersstrandedat the docks.罢工导致部分轮渡停运,数百名旅客滞留码头。 See more[C]USalongstructurebuiltoverwaterwherepassengerscan get on or off aboator wheregoodscan be put on and taken off 码头  mysticenergy/E+/GettyImages - Theshipsailedinto the dock to berefitted.
- We arecurrentlyin dockwaitingtodisembark.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPorts & docks - anchorage
- basin
- boatyard
- breakwater
- derrick
- dockyard
- free port
- harbour master
- haven
- marina
- passport control
- port
- quayside
- sea wall
- shipyard
- slip
- superport
- terminal
- the dockside
- wharf
See more results » docknoun(LAW)the dock[S]mainlyUK theplacein acriminallawcourtwhere theaccusedpersonsitsorstandsduring thetrial: 被告席Thedefendantseemednervousas heleftthe dock andsteppedup to thewitnessbox.被告人在离开被告席走向证人席时似乎有些紧张。 Thecompanywillfinditselfinthe dock(= incourt)if itcontinuestoignorethepollutionregulations.如果该公司继续无视控制污染的规定,它就会被告上法庭。  ilbusca/E+/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLaw courts - appellate
- before
- bench
- chamber
- chancery
- circuit court
- courthouse
- courtroom
- criminal court
- Crown Court
- High Court
- industrial tribunal
- jury box
- justice
- kangaroo court
- the Inns of Court
- the Supreme Court
- tribunal
- venue
- witness box
See more results » docknoun(PLANT)[CorU]acommonwildplantwithlargewideleavesthatgrowsin somenortherncountriessuch asBritain: 酸模(一种生长在如英国等北方国家的宽叶野生植物) Rubbing dockleavesonnettlestingshelpstorelievethepain.将酸模叶子揉碎抹在荨麻刺伤处有助于止痛。  RuudMorijn/iStock / Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCommon plants - African violet
- agave
- aloe
- aloe vera
- anise
- cow parsley
- crabgrass
- deadly nightshade
- fenugreek
- fern
- pampas grass
- poinsettia
- pot plant
- prickly pear
- Queen Anne's lace
- tumbleweed
- turves
- Venus flytrap
- wheat
- wheatgrass
See more results » docknoun(EQUIPMENT)[C]adocking station (同docking station) SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMachines - generators & pumps - -engined
- alternator
- breeder reactor
- charger
- docking station
- dynamo
- electromotive
- generator
- jet engine
- nuclear reactor
- power station
- pump
- pump-action
- solar plant
- substation
- treadmill
- turbofan
- vacuum pump
- watermill
- waterwheel
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Electrical switches & connections dockverb(REMOVE)[T]toremovepartof something: 克扣,扣发(尤指金钱) As apunishment, theArmydocked thesoldiers'pay/wagesby20% and took awaytheirleave.作为惩罚,陆军方面扣发了士兵们20%的工资并取消了他们的休假。 Thelambs'tailsare docked(=cutshort)forhygienereasons.出于卫生方面的考虑,羊的尾巴都被剪短了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCutting off and disconnecting - amputate
- amputation
- amputee
- Brexit
- castration
- chop
- chopsomethingoff
- circumcise
- crop
- cut back
- disconnect
- disconnected
- disconnection
- dismember
- dismemberment
- lopsomethingoff
- nonconnection
- post-amputation
- sawsomethingoff
- sever
See more results » dockverb(SHIP)[IorT]If ashipdocks, itarrivesat a dock and if someone docks aship, theybringit into a dock: (使)靠岸,(使)停泊,(使)进港 Hundreds ofpeopleturnedup toseetheshipdockatthepier.数百人前来观看该船入港。 The Russians andAmericansdocked(=joinedtogether inspace)(theirspacecraft) just after one o'clock thismorning.俄罗斯人和美国人(的宇宙飞船)今天凌晨1点刚过时实现了太空对接。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesArriving & departing by boat or ship - anchor
- berth
- cast
- cast off
- land
- landing
- launch
- launcher
- moor
- post-landing
- relaunch
- sail
- sea
- shove
- shove off!
- weigh
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Arriving, entering and invading (Definition ofdockfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)dock| American Dictionarydocknoun[C](STRUCTURE)astructurebuiltout overwaterin aportalong whichshipscanlandtoloadandunload, or theenclosedareaofwaterbetween two suchstructures A dock is also aflat,raisedareaattachedto abuildingand used forloadingandunloadingtrucks. dockverb(ARRIVE)[I/T]toarriveat a dock or tobringashipinto a dock: [I]Theshipdocked in Japan, and he took another to Korea. dockverb(REMOVE)[T]to take away apartof someone’spay: I’ve used up mysickdays, and if I take anotherdayoff they’ll dock me a day’spay. (Definition ofdockfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[CorU]TRANSPORTanareaofwaterin aportwheregoodsare put onto and taken offships, orshipsarerepaired: Thevesseliscurrentlyin dockin Belfast. docks[plural] TRANSPORTagroupof theseareasin aportand thebuildingsaround them: Thegoodshave beenunloadedat the docks, but have notyetbeenclearedbycustoms. [C]TRANSPORT(alsoloading dock)aspaceat the back of ashipor in awarehousewheregoodsare put in or taken out the dockmainlyUK [S]LAWtheplacein acriminallawcourtwhere theaccusedpersonsitsorstandsduring thetrial: Thecompanywillfinditselfin the dockif itcontinuestoignorepollutionregulations. [IorT]TRANSPORTif ashipdocks, itarrivesat a dock and if someone docks aship, theybringit into a dock: Thetrawlerdocked in Cairns and thecodwasdeliveredto thefilletingfactory. [T]toreduceanamountofmoneythat is given to someone: dock sb's wages/payThey havetheirpaydocked if theworkis notfinishedontime. dock sth off sthSomegroupsdeducttheannualfeefrom theunderlyingfund'sincomewhileothersdock it offcapital. (Definition ofdockfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofdockdock But not on a third, that "remaining moored at thedock" is not an action.From theCambridge English Corpus More than twothirds had been labourers of one sort or another, on farms, docks, roads, or unemployed.From theCambridge English Corpus It may seem odd to say that part of the transfer consisted in the damage to thedock.From theCambridge English Corpus The irregular arrangement of the second block type allowed for hybrid experiences around the formerdock.From theCambridge English Corpus On the other hand, tugs, construction site machinery, docks, and ferries belong to the city's unofficial existence.From theCambridge English Corpus Dockcompanies were slow to realise that they stood to lose business if they did not focus on improving their services and lowering costs.From theCambridge English Corpus The corresponding loss could only have been the loss represented by the mere use of thedock.From theCambridge English Corpus The disruption of oil supplies, compounded by a national docks strike, precipitated the long awaited sterling crisis.From theCambridge English Corpus Both the gradient and categorical approaches can deal with the most common situation, where the only licit docking site is right at the edge.From theCambridge English Corpus Prediction of the docked complex by a complete systematic search.From theCambridge English Corpus In this scenario, docking and opening of the gate that normally keeps hemichannels closed would be part of the same process.From theCambridge English Corpus The benefit to the ship may well have exceeded the damage to thedock.From theCambridge English Corpus On the other side, in the plantations and docks, where labour agents were both powerful and pivotal, needs of capital were of a different kind.From theCambridge English Corpus Eventually, waves encounter adock, a pier, or the hull of an imaginary boat in which the listener is invited to travel.From theCambridge English Corpus Two liposomes are docked to the bilayer in the view field as indicated by the synaptobrevin dyes.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/dock## |