donation box
mainlyUSuk/dəʊˈneɪ.ʃən ˌbɒks/us/doʊˈneɪ.ʃən ˌbɑːks/(UKusuallycharity box,collection box)acontainerwherepeoplecan putmoney, or things such asfoodorclothing, which is beingcollectedfor anorganizationor forpeoplewho need it:
We're setting updonationboxesin allourstoreswherecustomerscancontributeto thefund.
Themuseumdid notchargeadmissionbut had adonationboxin thelobby.
- Hevolunteeredto put adonationboxinside hispizzaplacetohelppayhercollegefees.
- Thecompanywillcontribute$50,000 andhopesitscustomerswillmatchthat by giving another $50,000 throughdonationboxesintheirstores.
- Shekeepsthecoatsandsweatersand puts everythingelseindonationboxes.
- Heappearedincourtonchargesofstealingtwodonationboxesholdingabout $250 from St. Anthony'sChurch.
Organizations - charities
- aid
- benevolence
- benevolent
- benevolent society
- button day
- charitable
- charity
- charity begins at homeidiom
- charity box
- foreign aid
- foundation
- friend
- non-profit
- non-profit-making
- not-for-profit
- pearly king
- pearly queen
- the Peace Corps
- the Red Crescent
- voluntary
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Gifts in the form of money