uk/naɪt/us/naɪt/nightnoun(DARK PERIOD)
thepartof every24-hourperiodwhen it isdarkbecause there is very littlelightfrom thesun:
夜晚,夜间,黑夜It getscoldatnight.夜间天气转凉。
Ispentthe night at Ted's.我在特德家里过的夜。
He took the nightferry/train.他搭乘了夜班渡轮/火车。

Alex Walker/Moment/GettyImages
- Thesnowcame down during the night.
- I'm notfeelingveryalerttoday - not enoughsleeplast night!
- Theyworkduring the night andsleepbyday.
- We werewokenin the night by thewailofambulancesirens.
- Get a good night'ssleepand you'llfeelbetterabletocope.
Days & times of day
- afternoon
- afternoons
- am
- arvo
- at the crack of dawnidiom
- happy hour
- high noon
- hour
- in broad daylightidiom
- in the dead of night/winteridiom
- nocturnal
- nocturnally
- noon
- noontime
- o'clock
- the witching hour
- twilit
- wee small hours
- workday
- working day
theperiodoftimebetween the lateafternoonand going tobed; theevening:
晚上(指傍晚至就寝前的时段)Let's go out onSaturdaynight.我们周六晚上出去玩好吗?
We'veeatenout every night thisweek.我们这个星期每天晚上都出去吃饭。
She's asingerin abarbynight and asecretarybyday.她晚上在酒吧唱歌,白天则从事秘书工作。
theeveningon which aspecialeventhappens:
(特殊活动之)夜When's thelastnight ofyourshow?你什么时候演最后一场?
Thefirst/openingnight of her newmoviewas agreatsuccess.她的新电影的首映相当成功。
night-nightchild's expression
used as another way of saying good night, usually by or tochildren
(通常为儿语或对孩子说的)晚安the other night
on oneeveningrecently:
(最近的)一天晚上IsawNaomi at thegymthe other night.我前几天晚上在健身房见到了娜奥米。
a night out
aneveningspentat arestaurant,theatre, etc.ratherthanstayingathome:
外出玩乐的夜晚I need a night out with thegirlsthisweekend.我这个周末需要跟女生朋友们出去玩一玩。
UKLet'shavea night out onSaturday.我们星期六晚上出去玩吧。
- Shecomperesthatawfulgameshow onSaturdaynight.
- It waslovelytoseeyourmumanddadat theschoolconcertlast night.
- I've been out every night thisweek.
- They did acharityperformanceon the first night, toraisemoneyforAIDSresearch.
- Ilovedthatdressyou had on last night.
Days & times of day
- afternoon
- afternoons
- am
- arvo
- at the crack of dawnidiom
- happy hour
- high noon
- hour
- in broad daylightidiom
- in the dead of night/winteridiom
- nocturnal
- nocturnally
- noon
- noontime
- o'clock
- the witching hour
- twilit
- wee small hours
- workday
- working day
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Spectacles & performances
Celebrations, parties & special occasions
Meeting people
night after night
night and day
a night on the town
informaluk/naɪt/us/naɪt/afriendlyway of sayinggoodbyewhen youleavesomeone in theeveningor before going tobedor tosleep:
(晚上与人分别时礼貌地道别用语)晚安Night,sweetheart! Sleep well!甜心,晚安!好好睡!
good night
Welcoming, greeting & greetings
- adieu
- afternoon
- air kiss
- aloha
- ayup
- buh-bye
- five
- good evening
- greet
- hello strangeridiom
- howdy
- mind
- namaskar
- pleased
- poke
- pumpsomeone'shandidiom
- receive
- salaam
- shalom
- wish