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单词 edge

edgenoun(OUTER POINT)

theouterorfurthestpointof something
He putpinkicingaround the edgeofthecake.他用粉色的糖霜沿蛋糕边裱花。
Theybuiltthechurchon the edge of thevillage.他们把教堂建在了村边。
A man wasstandingat the water's edge with asmallboy.一名男子带着个小男孩站在水边。
Icaught(=hit)mylegon the edge of thetableas Iwalkedpast.我经过那张桌子的时候,腿磕在桌边上了。
More examples
  • Keep away from the edge of thecliff- you mightfall.
  • Thealligatorsbuildtheirnestsout ofgrassnear the water's edge.
  • Thevaserolledoff the edge of thetableandsmashed.
  • Shred thelettuceandarrangeit around the edge of thedish.
  • I'dfrayedthe edges of myjeansas that was thefashionin thosedays.


thesideof abladethatcuts, or anysharppartof anobjectthat couldcut
Careful with thatopencan - it's got a verysharpedge.小心那罐打开的罐头——开口那地方很锋利。


[Cusually singular]
thepointjust before something very different andnoticeablehappens
Thecompanyisonthe edgeofcollapse.公司濒临倒闭。
Thegovernmenthadbroughtthecountrytothe edge of acatastrophe.这届政府将国家引向了灾难的边缘。
push/drivesbover the edgeinformal
If anunpleasanteventpushessomeone over the edge, it makes themstarttobehavein acrazyway.
She had beendrivenover the edge by theseparationfrom herhusband.丈夫离她而去,把她逼向疯狂的边缘。


anadvantageover otherpeople
Intermsofexperience, shedefinitelyhadthe edgeoverthe otherpeoplethat weinterviewed.就工作经验而言,她显然要比我们面试过的其他人都胜出一筹。


asmallbutnoticeableamountofangerin someone'svoice
There's adefiniteedgeto/inhervoicewhen shetalksto herhusband.她跟丈夫说话时,语气明显有些气恼。
on edge
nervousand notrelaxed
Is somethingwrong? Youseemabiton edge thismorning.出什么事儿了?你今天上午好像有些心神不宁。


take the edge offsth
verb[IorT,+ adv/prep]
tomoveslowlywithgradualmovementsor ingradualstages, or to make someone or somethingmovein this way
Inflation has edgedupto fivepercentover the last twoyears.在过去两年中,通货膨胀慢慢攀升至5%。
Those whodisagreedwith the CEO'sviewpointweregraduallyedgedoutof(=forcedtoleave)thecompany.那些和总经理观点不一致的人慢慢地一个个被迫离开了公司。


The two players alternately take new edges, oneedgeper move.
From theCambridge English Corpus
At the outer edges of the plume, however, the production and destruction terms rapidly approach zero and advection and transport balance each other.
From theCambridge English Corpus
When (3.2) are put in (3.1)we obtain a system of ordinary differential equations for u, v, w, etc., on theedgeof each strip.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The sections have been photographed so that the lateral surface of the brain faces upwards with the ventrolateraledgeof the brain to the left.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He also sharpens theedgeof their need for psychological self-assertion.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Note, however, that our numerical bounds frequently get better if multiple edges are replaced by a single equivalentedge.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Then every graph presentation contains an infinite set of pairwiseedge-disjoint double paths.
From theCambridge English Corpus
They found that receptive-field parameters derived fromedgecontrast reversal were similar to those obtained using sinusoidal stimuli.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The unit responded strongly when theedgewas at a 0-pixel disparity in the middle of its receptive field.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Secondly, the number of these edges we need to insert must not exceed the number of edges previously removed.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We need to show that removing the edges of a random walk does not condition the pairings of the remaining points.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In fact, it seems likely that removing anyedgefrom a graph should decrease this average, or at least not increase it.
From theCambridge English Corpus
First, the robotic manipulator traces the edges of a fine stepped structure and estimates their directions.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Thus, in a non-vacuum condition the cover-glass will contact the surface of solar cell at oneedgeat first.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A vertical bar rises the full height of the sash, 4in from theedgeof the frame.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withedge.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

anterior edge
Their anterior edge shows a shallow embayment for the insertion of the dermal rostral capsule.
From theCambridge English Corpus
bottom edge
Thebottomedgeof the sail is called the foot.
From theCambridge English Corpus
curved edge
Fastened with a threaded pin to the base is the longitudinal piece, which rides along itscurvededge over the capstan attached to the servomotor below.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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