uk/edʒ/us/edʒ/edgenoun(OUTER POINT)
theouterorfurthestpointof something:
边,边缘He putpinkicingaround the edgeofthecake.他用粉色的糖霜沿蛋糕边裱花。
Theybuiltthechurchon the edge of thevillage.他们把教堂建在了村边。
A man wasstandingat the water's edge with asmallboy.一名男子带着个小男孩站在水边。
Icaught(=hit)mylegon the edge of thetableas Iwalkedpast.我经过那张桌子的时候,腿磕在桌边上了。
margin(OUTER PART)

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- Keep away from the edge of thecliff- you mightfall.
- Thealligatorsbuildtheirnestsout ofgrassnear the water's edge.
- Thevaserolledoff the edge of thetableandsmashed.
- Shred thelettuceandarrangeit around the edge of thedish.
- I'dfrayedthe edges of myjeansas that was thefashionin thosedays.
Edges & extremities of objects
- -rimmed
- apex
- apical
- apices
- bevel
- border
- bottom
- brow
- cap
- circumference
- extremity
- foot
- front
- palm-fringed
- perimeter
- periphery
- rim
- rimless
- tip
- vertex
thesideof abladethatcuts, or anysharppartof anobjectthat couldcut:
刀口;刃;锋利的边缘Careful with thatopencan - it's got a verysharpedge.小心那罐打开的罐头——开口那地方很锋利。

Chanawat Phadwichit/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- -pronged
- adjustable spanner
- adze
- Allen key
- auger
- awl
- gimlet
- gouge
- grapnel
- grappling iron
- grindstone
- guillotine
- pincer
- plunger
- prong
- rasp
- razor knife
- reamer
- sander
- trowel
[Cusually singular]
thepointjust before something very different andnoticeablehappens:
(变故的)边缘Thecompanyisonthe edgeofcollapse.公司濒临倒闭。
Thegovernmenthadbroughtthecountrytothe edge of acatastrophe.这届政府将国家引向了灾难的边缘。
push/drivesomeoneover the edgeinformal
If anunpleasanteventpushessomeone over the edge, it makes themstarttobehavein acrazyway:
(不愉快的事情)使…发狂She had beendrivenover the edge by theseparationfrom herhusband.丈夫离她而去,把她逼向疯狂的边缘。
Turning points & deciding moments
- be at a crossroadsidiom
- breakthrough
- brink
- climax
- coming of age
- crunch
- D-Day
- defining moment
- flashpoint
- if/when it comes to the crunchidiom
- landmark
- make or breaksomethingidiom
- point of no return
- red-letter day
- road
- road to Damascusidiom
- the moment of truthidiom
- turning point
- U-turn
- watershed
anadvantageover otherpeople:
优势;优越之处Intermsofexperience, shedefinitelyhadthe edgeoverthe otherpeoplethat weinterviewed.就工作经验而言,她显然要比我们面试过的其他人都胜出一筹。
Advantage and disadvantage
- a stick to beatsomeonewithidiom
- ace
- an ace upyoursleeveidiom
- attraction
- be well in thereidiom
- be/stay/keep one jump aheadidiom
- head start
- hold all the cardsidiom
- in
- in the right place at the right timeidiom
- it's tough at the topidiom
- lock
- lose
- scent bloodidiom
- secret weapon
- silver lining
- stick
- the best of both worldsidiom
- tough
- trouble
asmallbutnoticeableamountofangerin someone'svoice:
尖刻的声调;厌烦的声调;愤怒的语气There's adefiniteedgeto/inhervoicewhen shetalksto herhusband.她跟丈夫说话时,语气明显有些气恼。
on edge
nervousand notrelaxed:
如坐针毡的;惴惴不安的;烦躁的Is somethingwrong? Youseemabiton edge thismorning.出什么事儿了?你今天上午好像有些心神不宁。
Talking angrily
- bite
- bitesomeone'shead offidiom
- bite/snapsomeone'shead offidiom
- bluster
- dress
- dress down
- fling
- givesomeonea piece of your mindidiom
- harangue
- hit
- hue
- huff
- invective
- jump
- piece
- rant
- spit
- spit blood/venomidiom
- storm
- tongue-lashing
incricket, ahitof theballwith the edge of thebat:
There were acoupleof earlyinsideedges.
He got athickoutsideedge and wascaughtat secondslip.
- Hesurvivedwhatseemedan edge behind tobatwithbrilliance.
- 12th man
- ash
- bailsphrase
- ball-tampering
- batting average
- bowlsomeoneout
- bowling
- cricketing
- cut
- declaration
- declare
- delivery
- fall
- glance
- leg before wicketidiom
- pace bowler
- six
- snick
- spin bowlerphrase
- test match
on the edge ofyourseat
take the edge offsomething
[IorT+ adv/prep]
tomoveslowlywithgradualmovementsor ingradualstages, or to make someone or somethingmovein this way:
Inflation has edgedupto fivepercentover the last twoyears.在过去两年中,通货膨胀慢慢攀升至5%。
Slow and moving slowly
- (as) slow as molassesidiom
- at a snail's paceidiom
- by and byidiom
- by degreesidiom
- clawyourway(somewhere)idiom
- float
- inch by inchidiom
- infiltrate
- infiltration
- jog
- labour
- lag
- laggard
- sluggishly
- sluggishness
- snail
- steadily
- steadiness
- struggle
- wander
edgeverb(WIN NARROWLY)
towinby a verysmallamount; tobeatormoveaheadof anotherpersonorteamby a verysmallamount:
Opinionpollsshowedhim edgingintoaslightlead.
Germany edgedAustralia5-4.
Bothplayersgave a goodperformancebut IthinkNick just edgedit.
- Kuwait edgedaheadongoalsscoredinqualifyingrounds.
- Argentina edged into a 1-pointlead.
- The new Channel 4 show just edged infrontof the BBC in theratings.
- She edged herrivalinto secondplace.
- With thehelpof abitofluck, we edged thegame.
Winning and defeating
- annihilate
- annihilation
- bank
- be gunning forsomeoneidiom
- be one in the eye forsomeoneidiom
- convincing
- moral victory
- move/go in for the killidiom
- near thing
- outclass
- outcompete
- sew
- slaughter
- sweep
- sweep the boardidiom
- takesomeonedown
- takesomeoneto the cleaner'sidiom
- takesomethingapart
- takedown
- thrash
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Qualifications: school & vocational
incricket, tohittheballwith the edge of thebat:
She didn'tthinkthat she had edged it but theumpiregave her out.
He edged acatchbehind off thefinalballof theday.
- 12th man
- ash
- bailsphrase
- ball-tampering
- batting average
- bowlsomeoneout
- bowling
- cricketing
- cut
- declaration
- declare
- delivery
- fall
- glance
- leg before wicketidiom
- pace bowler
- six
- snick
- spin bowlerphrase
- test match
toturnaskisidewaysso that one edge goes into thesnow:
Shapedskishave made iteasiertoturnand edge theskiswith lesseffort.
He's not gettinglowenough to use hiscentreofgravityto edge theski.
Winter sports
- airboard
- airboarder
- airboarding
- Alpine skiing
- après-ski
- biathlon
- bobsleigh
- grooming machine
- ice skater
- ice skating
- luge
- mush
- skating rink
- skier
- skiing
- slalom
- sledge
- sleigh
- snow groomer
- snowblade
Phrasal verb