aparticularformin which abook,magazine, ornewspaperispublished:
版本thepaperback/hardbackedition of thedictionary该词典的平装/精装本
Theregionaleditions of thepapercontainspecificinformationfor thatarea.该报地方版刊登一些专门面向那个地区读者的内容。
asinglebroadcastof aseriesofradioortelevisionprogrammes:
(广播电视节目的)一期,一辑This morning's edition of 'Women's Hour' is at theearliertimeof aquarterto ten.今天上午的《妇女时光》节目将提前到9点45分播出。
thetotalnumberofcopiesof aparticularbook,newspaper, etc. that arepublishedat the sametime:
一版印刷总数;版次Shecollectsfirsteditions of 19th-centuryauthors.她收藏19世纪作家著作的初版本。
one of aseriesofrepeatedevents:
(一系列重复进行的事件中的)一次,一回,一届The 77th edition of the Indianapolis 500 washeldbefore anestimated450,000fans.第77届印第安纳波利斯500英里汽车赛吸引了大约45万车迷观看。
- Allcitationsare taken from the 1973 edition of thetext.
- Therevisededition of thebookincludesmanyusefulannotations.
- Teachingpostsareadvertisedin Tuesday's edition of thepaper.
- Tomorrow's edition willincludea centre-spread on theSpanishroyalfamily.
- I've onlyreadtheabridgededition of hernovel.
Newspapers & magazines
- above/below the foldidiom
- annal
- anti-press
- back copy
- broadsheet
- comic
- editorial
- fold
- house organ
- journal
- lad mag
- magazine
- reader
- serialize
- Sunday paper
- supermarket tabloid
- tabloid
- trade
- tribune
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Books & parts of books
Broadcasting in general
Publishing: printing & word processing
Events and occurrences