elbow bump
uk/ˈel.bəʊ ˌbʌmp/us/ˈel.boʊ ˌbʌmp/afriendlygreetingin which youtouchsomeone'selbow(= theplacewhere thearmbends)withyourelbow:
碰肘礼,碰肘问候Doing anelbowbumpinsteadof ahandshakemay still not be enough toavoidspreadingthevirus.碰肘问候而不是握手可能仍然不足以避免病毒传播。
Thefitnessinstructorsused tohigh-fiveeveryone as theywalkedin, but now it's allelbowbumps.以前健身教练们一进门就跟大家高举胳膊击掌,现在全是行碰肘礼了。

- Interest in theelbowbumpas agreetingwasrenewedduring theavianfluscareof 2006, the 2009swineflupandemic, theEbolaoutbreakof 2014, and the COVID-19pandemic.
- Whengreetingpeople, it'sbesttoavoidelbowbumpsbecause they put you within 1metreof the otherperson.
- Proposedgesturestoreplacethehandshakeincludethefoot"shake", thehandonheart, and theelbowbump.
Physical gestures of respect
- bow
- chest bump
- curtsy
- dap
- dapsomeoneup
- doff
- doffyourhat tosomeone/somethingidiom
- fistbump
- genuflect
- handshake
- high five
- prostrate
- prostration
- salaam
- salute
- vail
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Welcoming, greeting & greetings
Gestures & gesturing