(alsononemergency)uk/ˌnɒn.ɪˈmɜː.dʒəˌnɑːn.ɪˈmɝː.dʒə, such as anaccident, that is notdangerousorseriousand does not needfastactioninordertoavoidharmfulresults:
Many of thesevisitswere for non-emergencies, such astoothachesandcolds.
All non-emergencysurgeryhas beencancelled.
- If youcallthefirebrigadeforhelpin a non-emergency, you will bewarnedthat acostmay beincurred.
- It's a goodideatokeepthepolicenonemergencynumbersonyourphonefor things likedebrison themotorway.
- It can take over anhourtoevacuatepeoplefrombuildingsin non-emergencysituations.
Accidents and disasters
- accident
- accidental
- accidentally
- accidentally on purposeidiom
- an accident waiting to happenidiom
- calamity
- cataclysm
- cataclysmic
- cataclysmically
- catastrophe
- disaster area
- disastrous
- disastrously
- dumpster fire
- emergency
- mishap
- natural disaster
- perfect storm
- post-accident
- snafu