uk/ɔːˈɡæn.ɪ.kəl.i/us/ɔːrˈɡæn.ɪ.kəl.i/organicallyadverb(PRODUCE FOOD)
without usingartificialchemicalsin thegrowingorraisingofplantsandanimalsforfoodand otherproducts:
有机地,不使用化肥地Thewineis made from organicallygrowngrapes.这种葡萄酒是用有机种植的葡萄酿造的。
- Theyswitchedover to using organicallygrowncotton.
- Themessageis toeatwholesome,fresh, unprocessedfood, organicallyproducedwherepossible.
- Organicallyraisedanimalsgrowattheirownnaturalpace, with noartificialhormones.
- It'sbetterto usefishthat has either been line-caught or organicallyfarmed.
- If you are going tofarmorgardenorganically, you need toattractbeneficialinsects.
- We nowgrow70percentofourownfoodorganically.
Natural and artificial
- anti-natural
- artificial
- artificiality
- artificially
- biodynamic
- freshness
- God-given
- imitation
- inauthentic
- make no claim to besomethingidiom
- mock
- rawness
- refined
- simulated
- synthetic
- synthetically
- unnaturally
- unprocessed
- untamed
- untouched
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Farming - general words
Gardening - general words
in a way thathappensordevelopsnaturallyovertime, without beingforcedorplannedby anyone:
He is notconvincedthat "cityplanning"works, saying that thebestcitiesevolveorganically overtime.
Don'tforcethe relationship—letmutualattachmentdeveloporganically.
If abusinessgrowsorganically, itdevelopsitsownbusinessratherthanbuyingothercompanies:
(公司在成长方面依靠自身努力而不是收购其他公司)以有机方式地Abusinesscanexpandeither organically (internally) orexternallythroughtakeoversandmergers.一个企业可以通过(内部)有机方式或通过收购和兼并从外部进行扩张。
- Ourmusicalstylegrewvery organically, from what we all like tolistento andplay.
- Theroadtofuturedevelopmentmuststartbytappingintopre-existingphysicalandpsychologicalrootsandbuildingup organically from there.
- "What makes us good at what we do," saysfrontmanBen Gibbard, "is thefactthat we've been doing it organically for the last sevenyears."
- Wherecustomerneedscan't bemetorganically, we'll beopen-mindedto acquisitions.
- Thesecompaniesare verystrongbecause they'vegrownorganically— abusinesscouldbecometoocumbersometorunif itcontinuesgrowingbyacquisition.
Change and changes
- adjustment
- alteration
- anti-evolutionism
- be ahead of the curveidiom
- blip
- flip-flop
- fluctuation
- gradation
- gyrate
- gyration
- inconstancy
- reversion
- revolution
- rhythm
- sea change
- shakesomeoneup
- untick
- variation
- vicissitudes
- youthquake
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Success & failure in business
organicallyadverb(LIVING THINGS)
in a way thatrelatesto or comes fromlivingplantsoranimals:
Theplantsthrivein well-drainedsoilthat has been organicallyenriched.
- Scientists aretryingtoworkout whether thecarbononMarswasproducedorganically orsimplyexistedin theenvironmentwithout the need forlife.
- They havestudiedthealgaeof organicallyenrichedriverwaters.
Animal & plant biology - general words
- abiotic
- anatomical
- anatomically correct
- anti-Darwinian
- anti-Darwinism
- biodiversity
- botany
- Darwinism
- entomological
- entomologist
- eukaryote
- fight-or-flight
- morphology
- poisonous
- recolonization
- recolonize
- regeneration
- regenerative
- restimulate
- zoology