architecturespecializeduk/ˌɒ̃nˈsæ̃t/us/ɑːnˈsent/awallsurroundingacastle,cathedral, orfortifiedcity(= one that isprotectedbywalls):
围廊,壁垒,外墙,城廓Bymidnightmore than 75,000soldierswere within the enceinte.到午夜时分,城墙内聚集起来了75,000多名士兵。

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- There were oftenareasofdevelopmentwhich could not beaccommodatedwithin the enceinte.
- They hadreachedthesouthernpartof the Bois de Boulogne, within less than 800yardsof theParisenceinte.
- Themomentof giving up thedefenceof thesouthwesternenceinte could not befaroff.
- For atime, at themiddleof theafternoon, the enceinte wasabsolutelywithout aguard.
- acropolis
- barricade
- bastion
- battlements
- castle
- defensive architecture
- drawbridge
- earthwork
- entanglement
- fort
- foxhole
- Martello tower
- moat
- moated
- motte
- redoubt
- stockade
- storm cellar
- stronghold
- turret
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Places involved in military activity