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单词 engage


[+ to infinitive]I have engaged asecretarytodealwith all mypaperwork.我雇用了一名秘书来处理我全部的文书工作。
We're engagingtheservicesofaprofessionaladministrator.我们将聘用专业管理人员为我们服务。
More examples
  • We'verecentlyengaged acleaner.
  • She has beenknownto engage theservicesof aprofessionalshopper.
  • For theseserviceshe wouldotherwisehave to engage apsychotherapist.
  • Aprofessionalcoachwasimmediatelyengaged.
  • 240stewardswere engaged toensurethat thegamewentsmoothly.


tointerestsomeone in something andkeepthemthinkingabout it
Thedebateaboutfoodsafetyhas engaged thewholenation.关于食品安全的争论引起了全国关注。
If abookdoesn't engage myinterestin the first fewpages, I don't usuallycontinuereadingit.如果一本书的前几页不能引起我的兴趣,通常我就不再往下读了。
More examples
  • Thesubjectdoesn't engage me.
  • For somereasonthefilmfailedto engage myinterest.
  • We're alwayslookingout for newsubjectsthat will engageourreaders.
  • Thedebatefailsto engage himintellectually.
  • He wasexamininghisfingernails, one of whichseemedto engage hisattention.

engageverb(FIT TOGETHER)

to make onepartof amachinefitinto andmovetogether with anotherpartof amachine
When thelargegearwheelengages (withthesmallerone), themillstonewillstartto go round.当大齿轮(与小齿轮)啮合时,石磨就开始转动。

engageverb(BEGIN FIGHTING)

Enemyplanesengaged thetroopsas theyadvancedinto themountains.部队进山的时候,敌机开始对他们发起攻击。


[T]Indian English
toteachsomeone,especiallyaclassofchildren, or tokeepsomeonebusy

Phrasal verb

engage insth
especiallyof awriter,musician,artist, etc.interestedin and takingpartinpolitics


Those engaged in mathematical and philosophical studies did the same.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Assertivesengagethe speaker regarding the truth of the statement he/she is making : the psychological state being expressed is a belief.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Readers, it appears, were invited toengagein reflexive fantasy by associating their desired state of being with that of a trained psychologist.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Elections may be nominally free, but governmentsengagein extensive gerrymandering, manipulation of voter registration and harassment of opposition parties.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Sensitivity and flexibility are needed for engaging with individual families, but accurate measurement is needed for systems control.
From theCambridge English Corpus
To be fair, the book is explicitly an institutional history, and as such has no obligation toengagelarge historiographical themes.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The question of succession prompted families engaged in the same occupation to form an association that controlled members' marriages and inheritances.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Toengageits targets, the immune system must first perceive them and then, in a sense, decide whether to react.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This issue could be examined by repeating the study using different tasks that engaged the same set of cognitive processes.
From theCambridge English Corpus
It is possible that most of them are engaged in illegal felling of trees.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Non-verbal cooperation was employed when the group was engaged in playing together and included musical and visual cues.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A few vessels show men engaged in different activities.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Thus, the individual chapters are in themselves generally engaging, yet cannot compensate for the volume's lack of theoretical rigour and integration.
From theCambridge English Corpus
To protect informants and actors engaged in youth politics, they are not identified unless otherwise agreed.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Is there support to be drawn from violence prevention for this distinction or similar differentiation among youth engaged in violence and related antisocial behavior?
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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