elephant seal
uk/ˈel.ɪ.fənt ˌsiːl/us/ˈel.ə.fənt ˌsiːl/atypeoflargeseal(= amammalthateatsfishandlivespartlyin thesea)foundinNorthAmericaand Antarctica. Themalesare verylargeand have alongsnout(=nose):
海象,象海豹Abullelephantsealcanweighas much as 5,000pounds.一头公海象可重达5000磅。
Wesawelephantsealson thebeaches.我们在海滩上看到了海象。

Jason Johnson/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- As many as 25,000 Californiasealionsand 15,000elephantsealsarrivehere during thewintertomate.
- Elephantsealsmay bebig, but they can stillmovequickly.
- These are thehugeguys(up to 5,000pounds) with thelongproboscisthat giveselephantsealstheirname.
- Westartedanalyzingtheelephantsealpopulation.
Marine mammals
- beluga
- cetacean
- dolphin
- dugong
- fluke
- grey seal
- harp seal
- humpback whale
- killer whale
- manatee
- minke whale
- monk seal
- narwhal
- orca
- porpoise
- sea cow
- sea lion
- sperm whale
- walrus
- whale