elevator pitch
mainlyUSinformaluk/ˈel.ɪ.veɪ.tə ˌpɪtʃ/us/ˈel.ə.veɪ.t̬ɚ ˌpɪtʃ/ashortbuteffectiveexplanationthat isintendedtopersuadesomeone tobuyaproductoracceptanidea:
电梯游说(可以在共乘电梯的很短时间里把一个产品或创意说清楚,比喻言简意赅、铿锵有力的表达)If I were to give you anelevatorpitch, it wouldprobablygo something like this: weoperatethebesthealthclubsin thebestlocationsfor 18- to 80-year-olds.如果是我要“电梯游说”你的话,大体上应该是这样:我们在最好的地方为18到80岁的人经营最好的健身俱乐部。
- If you're job-hunting,developa a 15-second "elevatorpitch" to usewheneveryoumeetapotentiallyusefulcontact.
- When youstartabusiness, it is all about "elevatorpitches", in which youexpressyourideainsimpleterms- in lesstime, as thetermsuggests, than a 30-secondridein alift.
- When Ilookat awebsiteI amlookingfor the company'selevatorpitch: what thecompanydoes,brieflyexplained, and someproofthat it does a goodjob.
- I am lessinterestedin aflashypowerpointthan a goodelevatorpitch.
Urging & persuading
- ambulance-chasing
- argumentation
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- blag
- blagger
- chivvy
- fob
- induce
- inveigle
- lean onsomeone/something
- miseducate
- miseducation
- overencourage
- persuasive
- soft sell
- tub-thumping
- urge
- woo
- wrap
- wrapsomeonearoundyourlittle fingeridiom
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