(alsononmalleable)uk/ˌnɒnˈmæl.i.ə.bəl/us/ˌnɑːnˈmæl.i.ə.bəl/notableto beeasilychangedinto a newshapeor made to do something different from what isusual:
Castironis non-malleable atroomtemperature, whilewroughtironcan beshapedatroomtemperaturefor differentpurposes.
Personalitytraitsaregenerallyconsideredto bestableand non-malleable.
- As ateacher, she was non-malleable in hergradinghabits--noamountofcoaxingcouldpersuadeher to give you ahighergrade.
- While somemetals, such asiron,aluminiumandcopper, aremalleable,othersare non-malleable andbreakapartratherthanbendwhen youstrikethem with ahammer.
Not able to be changed
- be no hard and fast rulesidiom
- burnyourboats/bridgesidiom
- congenital
- continuity
- deep-seated
- incorrigible
- incurably
- inelastic
- inelasticity
- inflexible
- irreversible
- irreversibly
- irrevocable
- irrevocably
- leopard
- unalterable
- unchangeable
- uncompromising
- uncompromisingly
- unredeemable