emergency contraception
uk/ɪˌmɜː.dʒən.si kɑːn.trəˈsep.ʃən/us/ɪˌmɝː.dʒən.si kɒn.trəˈsep.ʃən/anymethodofcontraception(= a way ofpreventinga woman frombecomingpregnant)that can be used ashorttimeafter the woman has hadsex:
紧急避孕Tofindout where to getemergencycontraceptioninyourarea,callourhotline.如果想知道你所在地区哪里可以获得紧急避孕药,请拨打我们的热线。
See also
morning-after pill
- Theemergencycontraceptioncan be taken in one of twoforms:birthcontrolpillsin twodoses, one within 72hoursofintercourseand the second 12hourslater; or anIUDused within fivedays.
- The Student Health Centreoffersemergencycontraceptionin theformof themorning-afterpill.
- "If most women hademergencycontraceptionintheirmedicinecabinet, we couldcuttherateofunintendedpregnancyinhalf," she said.
Obstetrics: contraception
- birth control
- cap
- coitus interruptus
- condom
- contraception
- contraceptive
- Dutch cap
- family planning
- Femidom
- French letter
- johnny
- minipill
- morning-after pill
- prophylactic
- rhythm method
- rubber
- sheath
- spermicidal
- spermicide
- sterilization