informaluk/drʌb/us/drʌb/tobeatsomeoneeasily,especiallyin asportscompetition:
(在体育比赛中)大胜,彻底击败TheYankeesdrubbed theRedSox 19-8.洋基队以19比8大败红袜队。
It would beunimaginablefor Chelsea to drub Roma 7-1.切尔西7-1大败罗马是不可想象的。
- Theworldchampionsdrubbed the Kiwis 52-0 in Sydney.
- CorporateAmericamight not havesupportedthe USteamif theykeptgetting drubbed.
- Getting drubbed in the 1984presidentialelectionapparentlytook theambitiontoseekofficeout of him.
Winning and defeating
- annihilate
- annihilation
- bank
- be gunning forsomeoneidiom
- be one in the eye forsomeoneidiom
- convincing
- move/go in for the killidiom
- near thing
- outclass
- outcompete
- outfox
- sew
- slaughter
- sweep
- takesomeonedown
- takesomeoneto the cleaner'sidiom
- takesomethingapart
- takedown
- thrashing
- wipe