uk/ˈem.ər/us/ˈem.ɚ/a veryoldtypeofwheat(= agrainused for makingflour):
Emmer stillgrowswildin someplacestoday and is anancestorofourmodernwheatvarieties.
The Ancient Egyptians used emmerwheatto maketheirdensely-texturedbread.
- Newbreadtypesare beingdevelopedfromoldergrainssuch as emmer.
- Emmer is high infibreandrichinproteinandvitamins.
- Emmer iscloselyrelatedtowheat, but islargelygrownforanimalfeed.
- Wild emmer was firstcultivatedin theMiddleEast.
- amaranth
- arborio
- arborio rice
- barley
- basmati
- cottonseed
- dent corn
- durum wheat
- einkorn
- farro
- kasha
- long-grain rice
- maize
- malt
- mielie
- rice
- rolled oats
- rye
- semolina
- short-grain rice