(alsononsigner)uk/ˌnɒnˈsaɪ.nər/us/ˌnɑːnˈsaɪ.nɚ/non-signernoun[C](NOT AGREEING)
apersonororganizationthat does notsignaparticulardocument(= writetheirnameon it to show that theyagreewithitscontents):
TheUnitedStateswas among the non-signers of thetreaty.
Even though Isignedtheagreement, Ithinkthat therightsof non-signers ought to beprotected.
- The non-signersissuedastatementexplainingtheirdecision.
- Thecourtruledthat theoathwasunconstitutional, and all the non-signers werereprieved.
Signing & signatures
- anon
- autograph
- co-sign
- co-signatory
- co-signer
- countersign
- initial
- John Hancock
- notarize
- sign(something)off
- sign for/withsomeone
- sign in
- sign on
- sign out
- signsomethingaway
- signsomethingover
- signature
- signing
- tag
- the undersigned
non-signernoun[C](SIGN LANGUAGE)
apersonwho does not usesignlanguage(= alanguagethat useshandandbodymovements, used bypeoplewho cannothearortalk):
Thecourseisaimedat nonsigners who areinterestedinlearningaboutsignlanguage.
Themajorityof thestudentsare nonsigners who aremoderatelydeaf.
- Babies who usesignlanguagespeakearlierand havelargervocabulariesthan nonsigners.
- Signlanguageusersoftenseemveryexpressiveto non-signers.
Signs, signals and symbols
- beacon
- breadcrumb
- cryptanalyst
- delimiter
- digital badge
- ideogram
- indicator
- lagging indicator
- leading indicator
- litmus test
- logograph
- marksomething/someoneoff
- prompt
- semiotics
- signifier
- signing
- status symbol
- the all-clear
- totem pole