(alsore-condense)uk/ˌriː.kənˈdens/us/ˌriː.kənˈdens/tocondense(=changefrom agasto aliquidorsolidstate)again for the second, third, etc.time, or to make somethingcondenseagain:
Steam fromboilingwateris recondensed andbottledtoproducedistilledwater.
When thevapouriscooled, it re-condenses aswhisky.
- There werevisibledropletsof recondensedvapouron theglass.
- Thechemicalprocedureofevaporatingaliquidfrom onecontainerand recondensing it into anothercontainerwas firstrecordedin 8th-centuryChina.
- There is amethodof re-condensing thesteamso that it can bereused.
- Waterpulledfrom theriversiscirculatedthroughtubesthat re-condensesteamthatdrivestheelectricgenerators.
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- electrolysis
- evaporate
- evaporation
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- oxidize
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- reliquify
- solidify