使有兴趣;使快乐Wehiredamagicianto entertain thechildren.我们雇了一位魔术师表演节目让孩子们开心。
Most children'stelevisionprogrammesaimtoeducateand entertain at the sametime.大多数儿童电视节目都旨在寓教于乐。
- Milligan'sanarchichumourhas always had thepowertooffendas well as entertain.
- Yearafteryeartheywheelout the samethird-ratecelebritiesto entertain us.
- Should thefunctionof children'stelevisionbe to entertain or toenlighten?
- Thecrowdwas entertained with adisplayofaerobatics.
- Thecrowdswereonceagain entertained by thenumberonetennisplayer'santicson and off thecourt.
Celebrating & entertaining
- a good time was had by allidiom
- amuse
- amused
- bacchanalian
- banqueting
- bar-hop
- emcee
- entertaining
- ents
- go to townidiom
- kill
- perform
- propose
- push
- rejoice
- rejoicing
- revel
- revel insomething
- revelry
- throw
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Causing pleasure
toinvitesomeone toyourhomeand givefoodanddrinkto them:
(在家)招待,款待,请客We entertain a lot ofpeople,mainlybusinessassociatesof my wife's.我们经常在家请客,主要都是我妻子的业务伙伴。
Now that Iliveon my own, I don't entertain much.既然就我一个人生活,我也就不常请人到家里做客。
Celebrating & entertaining
- a good time was had by allidiom
- amuse
- amused
- bacchanalian
- banqueting
- bar-hop
- emcee
- entertaining
- ents
- go to townidiom
- kill
- perform
- propose
- push
- rejoice
- rejoicing
- revel
- revel insomething
- revelry
- throw
entertainverb(THINK ABOUT)
[Tnot continuous]formal
toholdsomething inyourmindor to bewillingtoconsideroracceptsomething:
怀着;抱有;心存;持有TheGeneralrefusedto entertain thepossibilityofdefeat.将军拒绝考虑失败的可能性。
Thinking and contemplating
- a brown studyidiom
- agonize
- agonize over/aboutsomething
- beard-stroking
- bethink
- consideration
- dip
- harbour
- introspect
- introspection
- joined-up thinking
- lateral thinking
- let me see/let's seeidiom
- reflection
- run throughsomeone'smind/headidiom
- scratch
- scratchyourheadidiom
- self-contemplation
- self-reflection
- soul-searching