单词 | as far as someone is concerned |
释义 | as far assomeoneis concernedB2 in aparticularperson'sopinion: Asfaras I'mconcerned, feng shui doesn'twork. Asfaras I'mconcerned,educationiseducationwhether ithappensinside oroutsidetheclassroom. Asfaras she wasconcerned,learningEnglishwas the mostimportantthing. Asfaras Louise wasconcerned, Will wasn'tpayingher enoughattention. Asfaras he wasconcerned, theblamefor hisfinancialwoeslaywith thestate. See also concerned(INVOLVED) as far assomethingis concernedB2 if we arediscussingorthinkingabout aparticularthing: Asfaras unemployment'sconcerned, achangeofpolicyonjobcreationwould be a goodidea. We've done verybadlyasfarasplanningisconcerned. Allowingpeopletobringinlargebagsis ariskasfarassafetyisconcerned. Theclubhas animportantplacein thecommunityasfarasgolfisconcerned. Asfaras the weather'sconcerned, I'dstayindoorstoday, if I were you. See also concerned(INVOLVED) as far as someone is concerned| American Dictionaryas far assomeoneis concernedaccordingto what someonethinksorfeels: There’s noreasontowait, as far as I’mconcerned. So far as thosebigcompaniesareconcerned, we're just another littlecompanythat they canstepon. |
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