theactof saying what youthinkorshowinghow youfeelusing words oractions:
表示;表达;表露Hewroteher apoemas an expressionofhislove.他给她写了一首诗以表达爱慕之情。
We'vereceiveda lot of expressionsofsupportforourcampaign.我们收到很多来信表示支持我们的运动。
Freedomofexpression is abasichumanright.言论自由是基本的人权。
It'sbettertogiveexpressionto(= show)youranger,ratherthanhidingit.最好把愤怒发泄出来,而不是深藏于心。
formalHissadnessat thedeathof hiswifefoundexpression(= wasshown)in hismusic.他通过音乐表达了对亡妻的哀悼之情。
thelookon someone'sface,showingwhat theyfeelorthink:
表情;神色I couldtellfrom her expression that somethingserioushadhappened.一看她的脸色我就知道出了很严重的事情。
Markalways has such amiserableexpression on hisface.马克脸上总是带着一副苦恼的神情。
- I couldtellfrom hisgrimexpression that thenewswas not good.
- Helistenedto themusicwith an expression ofpureraptureon hisface.
- Shelookedat him with asurprisedexpression on herface.
- Modernismseekstofindnewformsof expression andrejectstraditionaloracceptedideas.
- In thisrole, Durante isableto givefullexpression to thatwonderfullyvirilevoice.
Expressing and asking opinions
- amirite
- apothegm
- couch
- day
- editorialize
- express
- far
- propound
- put
- run
- runsomethingbysomeone
- screed
- should've
- soapbox
- sound off
- talk
- vociferous
- vociferously
- would
- wouldn't
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Expressing and showing feelings
The head & face
a word orgroupof words used in aparticularsituationor byparticularpeople:
词;词语;措词He uses a lot ofunusualexpressions.他总是用很多生僻的字眼。
"A can ofworms" is an expression thatmeans"adifficultsituation".A can of worms这个短语的意思是“棘手的局面”。
- The expression "boyband" wascoinedin the 90s.
- There is noEnglishequivalentfor 'bonappetit' so we haveadoptedtheFrenchexpression.
Linguistics: sentences & expressions
- adage
- backchannel
- clause
- coin
- complex sentence
- compound sentence
- declarative sentence
- defining
- dicta
- dictum
- epigram
- epigrammatic
- jawbreaker
- motto
- operative
- phrase
- proverbial
- sentence
- slogan
- soundbite
inmathematics, asymbolorgroupofsymbolsthatrepresentanamount:
(数学中的)式,表达式4xy2is an expression.4xy2是一个表达式。
Mathematical symbols
- addition sign
- degree
- division sign
- equal sign
- foot
- minus
- multiplication sign
- pi
- placeholder
- plus
- point
- solidus
- subtraction sign
- value
- X, x
- Y, y