to come together again, orbringsomething together again, in asingleplace:
再集合;(使)重新聚集Afterlunch, theclassreassembled.午饭后,全班再次集中到一起。
to make something again byjoiningitsseparatepartstogether:
重新装配;再次组装Investigators have been reassembling thewreckageof theplane.事故调查专家一直在拼合飞机残骸。
Collecting and amassing
- accumulate
- aggregation
- amass
- assemble
- bank
- bunch
- concentrate
- concentration
- cumulate
- fundraise
- fundraising
- garner
- gather
- glean
- harvest
- rakesomethingup
- reconcentrate
- reconcentration
- remote sensing
- scrapesomething/someonetogether/up
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Connecting and combining