event horizon
uk/ɪˌvent həˈraɪ.zən/us/ɪˌvent həˈraɪ.zən/physicsspecialized
theouteredgeof ablackhole, beyond which nothing,includinglight, canescape:
事界,视界(即黑洞表面)Anything thatfallsthrough theeventhorizoneffectivelydisappearsfrom theuniverse.任何落入视界的东西在实际上都从宇宙中消失了。
- It was Stephen Hawking whointroducedtheideaof theeventhorizon.
- Bydetectingvery littleenergyfrom theseblackholecandidates, we have newproofthateventhorizonsexist.
- Drop abookthrough ablackhole'souteredge,knownas theeventhorizon, and,accordingto Einstein'stheoryofgravitation, it never gets out.
- To anoutsideobserver, theblackholebeginsat what isknownas theeventhorizon, animaginaryspheremarkingthepointof noreturn.
- If theenergysimplydisappeared, then the mostlikelyexplanationis that it wassuckedinto theeventhorizonof ablackhole.
- albedo
- Andromeda
- Aquarius
- Aries
- asteroid
- galactic
- galaxy
- Gemini
- geostationary orbit
- gibbous
- orbit
- orbital
- penumbra
- phase
- Pisces
- substellar
- sunspot
- supergiant
- supermassive
- supermoon