a verylargeareaofsea:
海洋,大洋;大海Thesemysteriouscreaturesliveat thebottomoftheocean.这些神秘的生物居住在海底。
Manuela Durson/EyeEm/GettyImages
used in thenameof each of the world's fivemainareasofsea:
(用于世界五大海域的名称中)洋the Atlantic/Pacific/Indian/Arctic/AntarcticOcean大西洋/太平洋/印度洋/北冰洋/南极地区海域
- We have aclearviewof the ocean fromourhotelwindow.
- Theshipsankslowlyto thedepthsof the ocean.
- ThePanamaCanalprovidesacrucialshippinglinkbetween the Atlantic andPacificoceans.
- From thetopof thehillwe couldseethe oceanfaraway and, in themiddledistance, thevillage.
- Thesurvivalofwhalesisintimatelyboundup with thehealthof the ocean.
Seas & oceans
- abyssal
- Aegean
- Bermuda Triangle
- briny
- Caribbean
- continental shelf
- depth
- interocean
- interoceanic
- Mediterranean
- mid-ocean ridge
- overfall
- submarine
- the Adriatic Sea
- the Arabian Sea
- the Baltic Sea
- the doldrums
- the high seas
- the Irish Sea
- underwater
Geographical places
oceans ofsomething