atestdone inordertolearnsomething or todiscoverif somethingworksor istrue:
实验;试验;试用Somepeoplebelievethat experimentsonanimalsshould bebanned.有些人认为应该禁止拿动物做实验。
[+ to infinitive]Scientists areconducting/carryingout/doingexperimentstotesttheeffectivenessof the newdrug.科学家们正在做实验来检验这种新药的疗效。
I'veboughta differentkindofcoffeethisweekasan experiment(= inordertoseewhat it is like).这个星期我买了一种不同牌子的咖啡来尝尝。
We can onlyfindthebestsolutionbyexperiment.我们只能摸石头过河,寻找最好的解决办法。
- Don'tforgettotryout theequipmentbefore setting up the experiment.
- In the second experiment theyobtaineda veryclearresult.
- For the experiment to bevalid, it isessentialtorecordthedataaccurately.
- The experiments wereconductedbyscientistsin New York.
- Our experimentworkedbetterthan we could haveexpected, andsoonthebabywashappytosleepin her ownbed.
Testing, checking and experimenting
- artefact
- assay
- calibrate
- calibration
- check out
- crucible
- factorial
- feeler
- inoculate
- inoculation
- inspect
- inspection
- recheck
- reinspect
- reinspection
- resample
- rescreen
- road test
- screening
- welfare check
We use experience as a verb when something happens to us, or we feel it. It is rather formal:…experiment
totrysomething inordertodiscoverwhat it is like orfindout more about it:
进行实验;做试验;试用Things would neverchangeifpeopleweren'tpreparedto experiment.如果人们不愿意去尝试,事情就永远不会有转机。
Theschoolis experimentingwithnewteachingmethods.这所学校正在尝试新的教学法。
Experimentingonmicecan give us anideaof theeffectof thediseaseinhumans.在老鼠身上做实验可以使我们了解这种疾病对人类的影响。
- Theyoungfilm-makers were givenfreereinto experiment with newthemesandtechniques.
- I like to experiment with differentlightfilterson mycamera.
- For a while thepoetexperimented with theideaofchantinghispoemstomusic.
- Theartistexperimented with differentpigmentsandmediums, often withdisastrousresults.
- I'd be verynervousaboutlettingatraineehairdresserexperiment with myhair.
Testing, checking and experimenting
- artefact
- assay
- calibrate
- calibration
- check out
- crucible
- factorial
- feeler
- inoculate
- inoculation
- inspect
- inspection
- recheck
- reinspect
- reinspection
- resample
- rescreen
- road test
- screening
- welfare check
We use experience as a verb when something happens to us, or we feel it. It is rather formal:…