theactof making somethingpartof somethinglargeragain after aperiodwhen it was notpartof that thing:
Sheoversawthe reincorporation of theEastintoaunitedGermany.
Thefilmendswith the reincorporation of theoutlawsintosociety.
- Werecommendthatfirmsplanfor the re-incorporation into theworkforceofemployeesreturningfromleave.
- Thedemonstratorswerecallingfor the reincorporation of thebreakawayregioninto therepublic.
Including and containing
- absorptive capacity
- all in
- assimilable
- assimilate
- buildsomethingin/intosomething
- carry
- cast
- encompass
- enshrine
- extend
- factor
- factorsomethingin
- forget
- packsomethingin
- package
- pepper
- peppersomethingwithsomething
- plug(something/someone)intosomething
- reincorporate
- rich
theactofclosingdown abusinessandstartingit up again as a neworganization:
The reincorporation in Florida waspartof anattempttoreducecosts.
Our re-incorporation will have noeffectwhatsoeveronourlong-termplans.
- Theshareholdersapprovedthe reincorporation of thecompanyin Gibraltar.
- Reincorporation oftenleadsto anincreasein the company'sshareprice.
- acquiree
- acquirer
- acquiror
- agency
- agribusiness
- answering service
- citadel
- fintech
- firm
- franchise
- franchisee
- franchiser
- multinational
- organizational
- packer
- parent company
- partner up
- partnership
- plc
- secretariat