adjective[before noun]
formaluk/ɪkˈsten.ju.eɪ.tɪŋ/us/ɪkˈsten.ju.eɪ.t̬ɪŋ/causingawrongactto bejudgedlessseriouslyby givingreasonsfor it:
提供理由减轻过错;藉词开脱She wasfoundguiltyoftheft, but because of extenuatingcircumstanceswas notsenttoprison.她被判犯有盗窃罪,但由于情有可原,没有被送进监狱。
Thelackof otheroptionswas an extenuatingfactor.缺乏其他选择是一个情有可原的因素。
- Homeowners whofallbehind ontheirmortgagesbecause of extenuatingconditionsareeligibleto refinance.
- Thebadguys, for alltheirextenuatingqualities, are stillbad.
- Thechairmanrecognizedthat there were many extenuating andexceptionalcircumstances.
Reasons and explanations
- alibi
- amplification
- apology
- argumentation
- ascribesomethingtosomething
- ascription
- ascriptive
- case
- definition
- explication
- exposition
- extenuation
- flack
- idea
- key
- mitigation
- reason
- talk
- warrant
- wherefores