aplaceorstageat whichviolencemight beexpectedtobegin:
(暴力)即将爆发的地点(或阶段)Because of the army'spresence, thecityisseento be the flashpoint of thearea.由于军队进驻,那座城市被看作是该地区暴力活动一触即发之地。
Turning points & deciding moments
- be at a crossroadsidiom
- breakthrough
- brink
- climax
- coming of age
- crunch
- D-Day
- defining moment
- edge
- if/when it comes to the crunchidiom
- landmark
- make or breaksomethingidiom
- point of no return
- red-letter day
- road
- road to Damascusidiom
- the moment of truthidiom
- turning point
- U-turn
- watershed
[Cusually singular]chemistryspecialized
The flashpoint of aliquidis thelowesttemperatureat which thevapouritproduceswillburninair.
(液体的)燃点,闪(火)点Miscellaneous units of measurement
- acre
- acreage
- caloric
- curie
- dioptre
- farad
- fathom
- firkin
- hectare
- Hz
- joule
- MHz
- molar
- newton
- radian
- refractive index
- Scoville scale
- sievert
- torr
- watt