face off
phrasal verbwithfaceverbuk/feɪs/us/feɪs/
tomeetanopposingperson,group, orsportsteamtoargueorcompete:
HefacedoffagainstMs. Miller in the campaign'sinitialdebate.
Angrycrowdsfacedoffwiththepolicein New York's Times Square.
inicehockey, tostartagameorstartit again bytryingtocontrolapuckthat therefereedropsbetween twoplayersfrom theopposingteams:
Allplayersnotfacingoff have to be fifteenfeetaway from thedot.
- Theprimarywinnerswillfaceoff in thegeneralelectionon 4November.
- Thousands ofstudentsfacedoff againstsecurityforcesin thecapital.
- It was the firsttimesistershadfacedoff in a Grand Slamtitlein more than acentury.
- CanadaplaysCzechia, while Sweden and Finlandfaceoff.
Arguing & disagreeing
- agent provocateur
- alienate
- alienated
- alienation
- argumentatively
- as a matter of factphrase
- bandy
- bet
- bone
- conflict
- dicker
- differ
- dissent
- hammer
- make the fur flyidiom
- shadowbox
- shadowboxing
- tangle
- tangle withsomeone
- that's a matter of opinionidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Competing in sport
Winter sports
See also