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单词 aside

asideadverb(TO ONE SIDE)

on or to oneside
Standaside,please, andletthesepeoplepass.请往边上站一站,让这些人过去。
I gave her aplateoffoodbut shepushedit aside.我给她一盘吃的,可她把盘子推开了。
I'veforgottenmywallet, so could youputthisbookaside(=keepthisbook)for me and I'll come backlateron.我忘了带钱包,麻烦你把这本书替我留一下,我稍后再来买。
Shetookme aside(= took me away from the otherpeople)totellme thenews.她把我拉到一边告诉了我这个消息。
If you put/set asidemoney, yousaveit for aparticularpurpose.
EveryweekI put aside somemoneyfor a new TV.我每星期省下一些钱,以后好买台新电视机。
If youleaveor put aproblemorrequestaside, youignoreit until you areabletosolveit.
Let'sleavethatmatteraside for now andtalkabout the moreurgentproblemfacingus.眼下我们暂且把那件事放一放,先来讨论我们面临的更为紧迫的问题。
More examples
  • Thecrowdwatchedas therefereedrewtheplayeraside andspoketo him.
  • Theyelbowedtheonlookersaside.
  • Stand aside,please, so thedoctorcan get through.
  • In allseriousnessnow -jokingaside - I dothinkthere's aproblemhere that we've got to getsorted.
  • Shelaidaside herbookand went toanswerthephone.


aside from
except for
Moneycontinuesto be aproblembut aside from that we're all well.缺钱依然是个问题,但是除此以外,我们一切都还顺利。
Ihardlywatchanytelevision, aside fromnewsandcurrentaffairs.除了看看新闻和时事,我很少看电视。
aremarkthat someone makes in aquietvoicebecause they do notwanteveryone tohearit
aremarkorstoryin aspeechortextthat is notpartof themainsubject
Theinformativeasides aboutrurallifemake thiswineguideratherspecial.这本品酒指南不时插入一些有关乡村生活的描述,这让人感到耳目一新。


Moreover, the ' asides ' - of which the author is fond - are not always substantiated by hard evidence.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He brings together a set of arguments which have previously existed largely as asides or unarticulated hunches accompanying certain modelling research.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Furthermore, many of the best bits come in asides and footnotes, rather than in the exposition of the main argument.
From theCambridge English Corpus
His asides frequently break through the reality of the stage action and point to its theatricality: everything to him is play.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The goal of the rst reduction was to produce a condensation or summary of the narratives by deletion of nonessential material such as social exchanges, asides and repetitions.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Although their intention was to assist students to ground the theoretical and abstract, to relate it to their daily experiences, these asides singularly failed to catch the imagination.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The writing is objective and factual, with little room for musical anecdotes or asides, and this may for some readers mean a lack of engagement with the topic.
From theCambridge English Corpus
By editing and publishing the book himself he has been able to retain a trickle of asides and witticisms that should have kept even our sceptical climatologist amused.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Not too many of the qualifications or the exceptions or the ingenious asides.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The frequent asides on trust as an action mirror vernacular usage but play almost no theoretical role.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Moreover, his lengthy theoretical asides stultify the force of his narrative and obscure the significance of his own important research, which deserves to be brought to the fore.
From theCambridge English Corpus
There are the minor asides.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We are given no indication, except through introductory asides, whether the strategies adopted over a thirty-year period for park access and people distribution, continue to obtain.
From theCambridge English Corpus
She begins each chapter with a review of their scholarship, but might better have saved the scholarly asides for when a comment actually helped to explain her chosen texts.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Occasionally, however, she comes close to caricature with a couple of very low notes at the end of cadenzas and some slightly hammy asides in the recitative.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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