treatingsomeone in a way that isrightorreasonable, ortreatingagroupofpeopleequallyand notallowingpersonalopinionstoinfluenceyourjudgment:
合理的;公平的;公正的;平等待人的a fairtrial公正的审判
Why should I have to do all thecleaning?It's notfair!为什么我要做所有的打扫工作?这不公平!
It's not faironJoe(= it is notright)to make him do all thework!所有的工作都让乔做,这对他不公平!
It's not fairthatshe'sallowedto go and I'm not!允许她去,却不许我去,这不公平!
It's not fairtoblameme for everything!把一切都怪在我头上,这不公平!
She'sscrupulouslyfairwithall heremployees(= shetreatsthem allequally).她对所有的员工都一视同仁。
UKSheclaimsherarticlewas a faircommenton(= areasonablething to say about)amatterofpublicinterest.她声称她的文章是对公众利益问题提出的公正合理的意见。
Heofferedto do all thecleaningif I did all thecooking, whichseemedlike a fair(=reasonable)deal.他提议如果我做饭,他就打扫卫生,这似乎挺公平合理的。
If something is fair, it isreasonableand is what youexpectordeserve:
(价格、分配等)合理的,恰当的Ithoughtit was a fairpricethat she wasoffering.我觉得她的报价是合理的。
I'mwillingto do my fair(=equal)shareof thework.我愿意做我应该承担的那份工作。
All theworkerswantis a fairwagefor theworkthat they do.工人们想要的只是对他们的工作来说合理的报酬。
If agameorcompetitionis fair, it is doneaccordingto therules:
(比赛)按规则进行的,公平的It was a fairfight.这是一场公平的拳击赛。
it's only fair
it is therightway totreatsomeone and what theydeserve:
只有…才合理;只有…才正确Ithinkit's only fair totellyou that we have had over 300applicationsfor thisjob.我认为应该告诉你一声,已经有300多人应聘这份工作了。
it's fair to say
it istrueto say:
说…是恰当的Ithinkit's fair to say (that) you've done less of theworkthan I have.我觉得说你工作做得比我少是合乎实情的。
to be fair
consideringeverything that has aneffecton asituation, so that a fairjudgmentcan be made:
说句公道话He's done thejobbadlybut, to be fair, I gave him very littletimeto do it.他工作干得很糟糕,但是说句公道话,我给他的时间非常少。
fair enoughB2UKinformal
something you say to show that youunderstandwhy someone has done or said something:
有道理;做得(或说得)对"I'm justannoyedwith him because he'sbehavedsobadly." "Fair enough."“令我感到不快的是他太没礼貌了。”“说得没错。”
fair's fairinformal(UKalsofair dos)
something that you say when youwantsomeone tobehavereasonablyortreatyou the same as otherpeople:
应该公平才是Come on, it's myturn. Fair's fair!得了吧,轮到我了。公正一点!
a fair hearing
anopportunitytoexplainsomething or giveyouropinions, without otherpeopletryingtoinfluencethesituation:
申辩(或发言)的机会He didn'tthinkthat hegota fairhearingincourt.他觉得在法庭上没有得到公正的申辩机会。
fair and square
in anhonestway and without anydoubt:
光明正大地Wewonthematchfair andsquare.这场比赛我们赢得光明正大。
If youhitsomeone fair andsquareon aparticularpartoftheirbody, youhitthatpersonhard,exactlyon thatpart:
不偏不倚Hehitme fair andsquareon thenose.他不偏不倚正打中我的鼻子。
- A fairjusticesystemis afundamentalpartof acivilizedsociety.
- Isupposehiscriticismwas faircomment.
- Everyone should have a fairsliceof thecake.
- Theyclaimedthat theelectionhad been fair, but really it was asham.
- Thisjobhas more thanitsfairshareoffrustrations.
Justice and fairness
- all's fair in love and waridiom
- anti-bias
- anti-discrimination
- anti-egalitarian
- anti-nepotism
- egalitarian
- egalitarianism
- equitable
- equitably
- karma
- liberalize
- non-discrimination
- non-discriminatory
- non-partisan
- payback
- reap
- sportsman
- sportsmanlike
- sportsmanship
(ofskin)pale, or (ofhair)paleyelloworgold:
(皮肤)白皙的;(头发)浅黄的,金色的She's got fairhairandblueeyes.她金发碧眼。
a faircomplexion白皙的肤色
Mysisterhasdarkhairbut my brother's fair(= he has fairhair).我姐姐是黑发,哥哥是金发。
He's fair-haired.他有一头浅色头发。
All myfamilyare fair-skinned.我们全家人皮肤都很白。
Hair colour
- ashy
- auburn
- balayage
- blonde
- blondes have more funidiom
- blondie
- bronde
- brunette
- carroty
- chestnut
- colouring
- flaxen
- gray
- grey
- greying
- mousy
- peroxide blonde
- platinum blonde
- raven
- sandy
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The skin, & skin colour
fairadjective(QUITE LARGE)
C2[before noun]
相当大的We've had a fairamountofrainthisweek.这周我们这里下了不少雨。
We've had a fairnumberofapplicants.我们已经有相当多的求职者。
It's a fair-sizedgarden.这是一座不小的花园。
We've come alongway, but there's still a fairway(=quitealongdistance)to go.我们已经走了很长的路,但是还要走很久。
Big and quite big
- appreciable
- baronial
- bloated
- bulky
- burly
- expansive
- heaping
- hearty
- hefty
- higher
- hulking
- palatial
- rambling
- roomy
- royal
- savage
- sizable
- sizeable
- the bigger the betteridiom
- walk-in
C2[after verb]
neither very goodnorverybad:
不好不坏的,一般的Films areratedon ascaleofpoor, fair, good andexcellent.影片被评为优、良、中、差四等。
I was fairatsciencebut it was never my thing.我理科成绩还算过得去,但我从来都不喜欢理科。
good enough but not excellent
- acceptableYour essay was acceptable, but I think you could have done better.
- reasonableThey have a reasonable chance of winning.
- adequateThe law provides adequate compensation for robbery victims.
- passableI speak passable Spanish.
- will doIt's not perfect, but it'll do.
Quite good, or not very good
- acceptable
- adequacy
- adequate
- adequately
- agreeable
- iffy
- impure
- indifferent
- indifferently
- kind
- pass
- patchiness
- patchy
- raggedly
- raggedness
- reasonable
- rose
- rough
- scratch
- spotty
fairadjective(QUITE GOOD)
[before noun]
(of anidea,guess, orchance) good, but notexcellent:
(想法、猜测或机会)相当好的,不错的IthinkI've got a fairideaof(= Iunderstandreasonablywell)what youwant.我想我很了解你想要什么。
She's got a fairchanceofwinning(= there is areasonablechancethat she willwin).她获胜的可能性相当大。
Possible and probable
- always
- anything's possibleidiom
- arguably
- as never beforeidiom
- auspiciously
- bet
- it isn't over until the fat lady singsidiom
- lean
- lean towards sth
- liable
- likelihood
- manage
- maybe
- probable
- probably
- prospective
- prospectively
- realm
- tend
- tip
(天气)晴朗的Fairweatherwasforecastfor thefollowingday.天气预报说次日天晴。
Describing good weather
- anticyclone
- be set fairidiom
- bone dryidiom
- calm
- clear
- clemency
- clement
- cloudless
- fine
- glorious
- gloriously
- mild
- mildness
- non-hostile
- set
- settled
- summery
- sun-drenched
- sunny
- temperate
old useorliterary
(of a woman)beautiful:
(女子)美丽的a fairmaiden美丽的少女
- adorable
- adorbs
- aesthetic
- aesthetically
- alluring
- distinguished
- dreamy
- easy
- elegant
- elegantly
- magnificent
- majestic
- melting
- mesmerizing
- nice-looking
- tastefully
- telegenic
- tempting
- to die foridiom
- turn out
all's fair in love and war
by fair means or foul
a fair crack of the whip
fair to middling
it's a fair cop
withyourown fair hand(s)
uk/feər/us/fer/alargepubliceventwheregoodsareboughtandsold, usually fromtablesthat have beenspeciallyarrangedfor theevent, and where there is oftenentertainment:
集市Iboughtawoodensaladbowlat thelocalcraftfair.我在当地的手工艺品集市上买了个木制色拉碗。
anoutsideeventwhere you canrideonlargemachinesforpleasureandplaygamestowinprizes
Oliver Vorspohl/EyeEm/GettyImages
alargeshow at whichpeoplewhoworkin aparticularindustrymeet, andsellandadvertisetheirproducts:
apubliceventin thecountrysidewherefarmanimalsandfarmproductsaresold:
apublicevent, oftenheldoutside, where you can takepartin competitions andbuysmallthings andfood, oftenorganizedtocollectmoneyfor aparticularpurpose:
Celebrations, parties & special occasions
- afterparty
- April Fool's Day
- baby shower
- bachelor party
- backslapping
- dinner
- dinner dance
- Easter egg hunt
- fayre
- feast
- masked ball
- masquerade
- mela
- Mother's Day
- New Year's Eve
- tea party
- trick-or-treating
- Valentine's Day
- wassail
- wassailer
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Shops & auctions