uk/ˈfem.tek/us/ˈfem.tek/abbreviationforfemaletechnology:electronicdevices,software, or othertechnologyrelatingto women'shealth, forexamplesoftwarethatrecordsinformationaboutmenstruation(= themonthlychangesin a woman'sbody)andfertility(= thepossibilitythat she willbecomepregnant):
女性科技(female technology 的缩写,指电子设备、软件或其他与妇女健康有关的技术)Femtech couldrepresenta $50billionindustryby 2025.到2025年,女性科技可能会发展成为一个价值500亿美元的产业。
- Femtech wascoinedin 2016 by Ida Tin, aDanishentrepreneurwhofoundedClue, a period- and fertility-trackingapp.
- At least $1billionhas beeninvestedin femtech since 2015.
- Howusefulare theseinnovationsin femtech, really? Is this just another way for women topayapremiumfor being women?
- The femtechsectorincludesfertilitysolutions, period-trackingapps,pregnancyandnursingcare, and women'ssexualandreproductivehealth.
- There arenumerousfemtechcompaniesofferingavarietyofproductsthroughouttheworld.
Computer hardware
- 3-D printer
- beamer
- blackberry
- brick
- bubblejet
- card reader
- data projector
- gamepad
- graphics card
- hard drive
- optically
- palmtop
- parallel port
- patch
- patch intosomething
- pen drive
- phablet
- plug and play
- printer
- whiteboard
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Computer programming & software
Obstetrics: processes & stages connected with sexual reproduction