uk/ˌriː.ɪnˈlɪst/us/ˌriː.ɪnˈlɪst/tojointhearmedforcesagain, or tosigntostayin thearmedforces:
重新入伍;延长服役时间Hetriedto re-enlist in theMarinesbut wasrejected.他试图重新加入海军陆战队,但被拒绝了。
After you'vecompletedyouractivedutytime, you can eitherextendyourcontractor re-enlist if youwanttocontinueserving.完成现役时间后,如果你想继续服役,可以延长合同或重新入伍。
- Today, the Navyoffersheftybonusestoskilledsailorsto re-enlist.
- Thesituationisn'tdireenough todrivehim to re-enlist.
- At the end of threeyears, heturneddown theoptionto re-enlist,feelinghomesickfor hisgirland hishome.
Joining or leaving the army
- anti-draft
- buy
- buysomeoneout
- call
- callsomeoneup
- commission
- conscription
- demob
- demobilization
- demobilize
- desert
- deserter
- desertion
- draft dodger
- enlist
- enlisted
- join
- join up
- re-enlistment
- re-up