as well as the thing orpersonalreadymentioned:
其他的,别的,另外的Theproducthas many other time-savingfeatures.该产品还有许多其他的省时特性。
There is no otherworkavailableat themoment.眼下没有其他的活儿了。
There is only one otherpersonwho couldhelpus.只有另外一个人可以帮助我们。
Are there any otherpeoplewe shouldask?另外还有我们应该问的人吗?
Ifoundoneearring- do youknowwheretheotheroneis?我找到了一只耳环——你知道另一只在哪儿吗?
See also
used at the end of alistto show that there are more things, without beingexactabout what they are:
(用于列举之后)其他的Theplanhas beenopposedbyschools,businessesand otherlocalorganizations.该计划遭到了学校、企业及其他当地组织的反对。
These twobookswill beespeciallyusefulforeditors,journalistsand otherprofessionalusersof thelanguage.这两本书将对编辑、记者及其他使用该语言的专业人士尤为有用。
- Circulars and otherjunkmailgostraightin thebin.
- Thesitelinksto about 24 othersitesofferingclipart.
- Thisdrugcan besafelyused incombinationwith othermedicines.
- Thecountryhasvastoilreservesandrichdepositsof otherminerals.
- Mr Savino has beenchargedwith threemurdersas well as awholeslewof othercrimes.
Also, extra, and in addition
- added
- additional
- additionally
- again
- along
- et al.
- et cetera
- etc.
- excess
- filler
- hand
- premium
- rate
- regardless
- same
- secondly
- side
- suchlike
- supernumerary
- touch
the other side/end (ofsomething)
theoppositesideor end of something:
另一边;另一端Put thechairat the other end of thedesk.把椅子放到桌子的另一边去。
The man waswaitingon the othersideof thestreet.那个人在街对面等着。
- Isawhim at the other end of thestreet.
- Isawhim on the othersideof theroom.
- Werowedacrossto the otherbank.
- If Isawhim, I'dcrossto the othersideof thestreet.
- He's at the other end of thepoliticalspectrumfrom me.
Through, across, opposite and against
- across
- across countryidiom
- against
- agin
- along
- catty-corner
- country
- cross
- front
- give
- kitty-corner
- on
- opposite
- over
- overland
- thru
- to
- trans
different from the thing orpersonalreadymentioned:
不同的,其他的,别的Idon't have anycash- is there no other way ofpaying?我没有现金——没有其他支付方式吗?
Helikestravellingabroadandlearningabout other people'scustomsandtraditions.他喜欢到国外去旅行,并了解其他民族的风俗习惯。
See also
the other day, week, etc.
referring to aday,week, etc. in therecentpast without sayingexactlywhen it was:
(指最近某个大概的时间)那天/那个星期(等等)Isawhim just the otherday/night.我那天/那天晚上刚见过他。
other than
different from or except:
不同于;除了Cruises other than theoneslistedbelow are notdiscountedat thistime.除了下面列出的乘船游览项目以外,其他项目没有折扣。
Theformcannot besignedby anyone other than yourself.除了你本人,谁也不能在这张表格上签字。
in anegativesentence, used tomean"except":
﹝用于否定句﹞除了There's nothing on TVtonight, other than theusualrubbish.今晚的电视除了惯常的垃圾,再没别的了。
in other words
used tointroduceanexplanationthat issimplerthan the one givenearlier:
换句话说,换言之He waseconomicalwith thetruth- in other words, he waslying.他没讲多少实话——换言之,他在撒谎。
or otherC1informal
used when you cannot or do notwantto beexactabout theinformationyou are giving:
某些;某个Theeventwasheldinsomeparkor other.这个活动是在某个公园举行的。
We'llfindsomeoneor other tohelpus.我们会找个人来帮我们的。
- All herlifeshe had achildliketrustin otherpeople.
- There's noharminapplyingfor otherjobs, but if I were you, I wouldn'tadvertisethefactatwork.
- Theprofessorwas arealJekyll andHyde- sometimeskindandcharming, and at othertimesrudeandobnoxious.
- Thepresidenturgedothercountriestoliftthetraderestrictions.
- Children need to betaughtto haverespectfor other people'sproperty.
Different and difference
- altered
- alternative
- anomalous
- another
- anything
- dissimilar
- dissimilitude
- distinct
- distinction
- distinctive
- non-typical
- non-uniform
- non-uniformity
- nonequivalence
- nonequivalent
- variant
- variation
- varied
- various
- various and sundryidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
In the past
Meaning & significance
Other,others,the otheroranother?
Other means ‘additional or extra’, or ‘alternative’, or ‘different types of’.…Other
Other means ‘additional or extra’, or ‘alternative’, or ‘different types of’.…The other
The other with a singular noun means the second of two things or people, or the opposite of a set of two:…Another
When we use the indefinite article an before other, we write it as one word: another. Another means ‘one more’ or ‘an additional or extra’, or ‘an alternative or different’.…Other,others,the otheroranother: typical errors
When other is a determiner, it does not have a plural form:…Or
Or is a conjunction that connects two or more possibilities or alternatives. It connects words, phrases and clauses which are the same grammatical type:…other
the second of two things orpeople, or the thing orpersonthat isleftin agroupor set of things:
(两者中的)另一个,第二个;(一组或一套中的)另一个Hold theracquetin onehandand theballintheother.一只手握拍,另一只手持球。
Somepeoplepreferavegetariandiet, while othersprefera meat-baseddiet.有的人偏爱素食,而另一些人偏爱肉食。
She gave me onebooklastweekandpromisedtobringtheothers onWednesday.上周她给了我一本书,并答应周三把其他的书带来。
别的,其他的I onlyknowabout thisbook, but there might be others(= otherbooks).我只知道这本书,不过或许还有别的。
peopleingeneral, notincludingyourself:
别人,其他人You shouldn'texpectothers to doyourworkfor you.你不应该指望别人替你干活儿。
- Ilivedon my own for a while but Imissedthecompanionshipof others.
- Perhaps somesystemsofgovernmentare morecorruptiblethan others.
- This is onepossiblesolutionto theproblem. However, there are others.
- Some words are moredifficulttospellthan others.
- Somecollegecourseshavestifferentryrequirementsthan others.
- At thetopof thehillIswitchedoff theengineand we justcoasteddown the otherside.
- Troublebrokeout in thematchwhen one of theplayerscalled amemberof the otherteamacheat.
- When yourun, eachfootleavesthegroundbefore the other comes down.
- Thiscableshould have aplugat one end and asocketat the other.
- Roughlyhalf(of) theclassareSpanishand the others are amixtureofnationalities.
Things remaining
- (and) all the restidiom
- balance
- bastion
- cremains
- cutpiece
- deposit
- dregs
- hangover
- redoubt
- relic
- remainder
- remains
- remnant
- residual
- stub
- survival
- throwback
- time capsule
- unallocated
- uneaten
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Different and difference
Also, extra, and in addition
People in general
Or is a conjunction that connects two or more possibilities or alternatives. It connects words, phrases and clauses which are the same grammatical type:…Other,others,the otheroranother?
Other means ‘additional or extra’, or ‘alternative’, or ‘different types of’.…Other
Other means ‘additional or extra’, or ‘alternative’, or ‘different types of’.…The other
The other with a singular noun means the second of two things or people, or the opposite of a set of two:…Another
When we use the indefinite article an before other, we write it as one word: another. Another means ‘one more’ or ‘an additional or extra’, or ‘an alternative or different’.…Other,others,the otheroranother: typical errors
When other is a determiner, it does not have a plural form:…other
uk/ˈʌð.ər/us/ˈʌð.ɚ/different to what isusualorexpected, and sometimes not wellunderstood:
Iguessit doesn’tfitwith the historicallyexpectedmonogamousmodel,thereforeit’sconsideredother.
There was afearthat under thecostumethere is somethingforeign, somethingterrifyingandessentiallyother.
Different and difference
- altered
- alternative
- anomalous
- another
- anything
- dissimilar
- dissimilitude
- distinct
- distinction
- distinctive
- non-typical
- non-uniform
- non-uniformity
- nonequivalence
- nonequivalent
- variant
- variation
- varied
- various
- various and sundryidiom
uk/ˈʌð.ər/us/ˈʌð.ɚ/totreatsomeone as though they are notpartof agroupand are different in some way:
A lot ofpeoplecanrelateto being othered orseeingithappento someoneelse.
Thebookis oftencriticizedforromanticizingand otheringblackAmericans.
Being and appearing different
- anomalously
- another
- anti-conventional
- apple
- be a far cry fromsomethingidiom
- buck
- conflict
- depart fromsomething
- deviate
- differ
- differentiate
- diverge
- diversify
- fish
- flow
- othering
- polymorphous
- rebrand
- rebranding
- remove
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Unfairness and favouring someone unfairly