finish line
USuk/ˈfɪn.ɪʃ ˌlaɪn/us/ˈfɪn.ɪʃ ˌlaɪn/(UKfinishing line)thelineat the end of arace:
终点线Shecrossedthefinishlinearound tensecondsbefore hernearestrival.
Hisfamilywere at thefinishlinecheeringfor him.
The twohorsesstayedneckandneckto thefinishline.

Fabio Pagani/EyeEm/GettyImages
thefinalpointof aprocess, when it can be said to haveendedorsucceeded:
Ajobsearchcan be alonghaul. Don'texpecttoreachthefinishlinein aday.
Education is alifelongprocess, not araceto thefinishline.
- Wewatchthe last fewridersstruggleacrossthefinishingline.
- Imanagedtodragmyself over thefinishline.
- Theprojectisfinallyapproachingthefinishline.
- Now that thecampaignfinishlineis on thehorizon, shefeelsshe canrelaxa little.
- athletic
- biathlon
- blade
- decathlon
- endurance
- faller
- finishing line
- fun run
- high jumper
- hurdle
- javelin
- obstacle course
- starter
- tape
- triple jumper
- ultra
- ultra-runner
- ultra-running
- ultramarathon
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Coming to an end
Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling