musicspecializeduk/ˈfɪp.əl/us/ˈfɪp.əl/thepartof somemusicalinstruments, such as arecorderorpipe, that theplayerputs into his or hermouthandblows:
(长笛、哨子等的)音栓,哨子头,哨塞Therecorderandtinwhistleareplayedbyblowinginto a fipple.直笛和六孔小笛是通过向音栓吹入空气演奏的。

Yuriy_Kulik/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Afluteis aninstrumentplayedbyblowingacrossa mouth-hole or (as in therecorder) against asharpedge, or fipple.
- The fipple has aductalong which thebreathtravels.
- It istechnicallyeasiertoplayaninstrumentwith a fipple than atransverseflute.
- Anironagefippleflutemade fromsheepbonehas beenfound.
Musical instruments
- accordion
- acoustically
- aerophone
- alphorn
- alto
- drum kit
- drum machine
- drumbeat
- drumroll
- drumstick
- pedal steel
- penny whistle
- percussion
- percussionist
- percussive
- tuning peg
- ukulele
- unpitched
- unplugged
- untuned